Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Uploaded a new build. If you got a crash earlier, please try this one.

  • Yeah It's crashed for a couple people so far. I have no idea why. I've tested it on 5 desktops, 3 laptops, and sent it to many friends. It's worked perfectly for all of them :T

  • Hey guys! Download link is on the original post!

  • ^ What he said.

  • I keep hearing the layout object is bugged, but it's actually working perfectly fine for me..spare one small thing..I'm using the input system plugin, and after opening my pause menu (using the layout object) the input is not recognized. It works fine with the mouse and keyboard object, but that's it. Is this a problem with the layout object or the input system plugin? If it is the layout object, is there any chance it will be fixed soon? It's pretty important if you ask me..

  • <img src="">

    The Minitroid tech demo is finally done!!

    *Uploaded a new build, if you got a crash earlier please try this one.


  • You can play a song on a certain channel, then change the channel's frequency ratio to speed it up.

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  • Well, if you're not worried about having a ton of clouds everywhere, you can do the same thing in the .cap I posted but change scrollxleft and stuff to the edges of the layout. That way cloud repositioning won't be affected by your player's current position.

    If you really want to use a tiled background object, just use this:

    Always: Set cloud value 'scrollspeed' to 'scrollspeed' - n*timedelta

    Set cloud offset to self.value('scrollspeed'), 0

    Just make sure the cloud uses a pow2 texture.

  • It should! That's what scrollxleft and such are for

    edit: hm. Scrolling to the left kinda messes it up :T I dunno man, maybe someone else can chime in on this.

  • My bro and his friends play a lot of Dungeons & Dragons and Zion (or is it Scion..? Whatever.) which use a TON of dice. Having to keep track of so many dice and stuff really slows the game down, so I made this for them. Dunno if anyone here is into those kinds of games, but someone might find it useful!

    Anyway, this little program can roll up to 50 customizable dice, give you the total, and highlight critical hits or misses which you can define. There's also a modifier to adjust the total (attack bonuses and stuff) Press space to roll the dice. You can adjust the default values via the DefaultSettings file.


    <img src="">

  • Incredibly bored, so I whipped this up. Hope it helps! ... bjects.cap

    edit: might want to change (displayheight) to (scrollybottom)

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