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  • lol...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • It's still (technically) in development, people still care about its development, it's still capable of making "serious", complex 2D games, it's still the same old Construct. Yeesh.

    What is it you want to see in CC anyway? Maybe instead of that ^ you could elaborate on features and/or changes you and your project may benefit from? There's probably a chance some of your suggestions may make it into the next build.

    "Personally, I think that Scirra Construct needs to be "reborn" in new form. For example, it may even be a new game maker, new community, etc."

    It was.

  • Tried this before finding Construct. Can't say I'm a fan, but then again I didn't give it much of a chance.

  • You can use TokenAt() to retrieve part of a string so long as there is a delimiter.

    For example, if you have a string "M1,M2,M3"

    then tokenat(string,2,",") will give you "M2"

  • I'd have to recommend Classic. For a Metroidvania type game you'll want to build your own tile-based level editor and load rooms/areas externally, and implement some sort of portal rendering...all of which I'm fairly positive you can't do in C2..yet..or maybe ever?

    Cave Story isn't really a Metroidvania though. It's level-based yet at the same time it's not. Maybe something similar might not be such a hassle in C2, but there's still the tile issue.

    If you don't like the fact that your game will be windows-only, then you might want to try C2. Good luck though ;)

  • 1) File> Save as Single File

    2) You might want to try putting the hotspot (pivot point) at the bottom/middle of each animation frame if you haven't already.

  • I've set the wait time to 0.1 and its still too slow.

    You can make it quicker, like 0.05.

  • You can store the animation frame number in an instance variable, then retrieve it later.

  • Welcome to indie game development ^^;

    Well that's a shame; I was looking forward to Yokai and Blot. Maybe you could try more advertising? I don't recall seeing Yokai or Blot anywhere but these forums and a couple other sites.

  • Bummer. Don't get me wrong but do you guys really NEED funding to develop these games? They're relatively small and, cmon, you're using Construct :P On top of that you could probably find more people to help out. Hell I (and others) offered but you seemed to have everything under control ;)

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    From left to right..

    4:3   (320x240)

    16:9 (400x225)

    16:10 (360x225)

    else 4:3 (360x225)

    My monitor is 16:9 (1920x1080). I messed with the display resolutions a bit but everything I tried still distorts the sprite.

  • It seems 8 out of 10 posts I make return an "Error Connecting To Server" and I'm brought to an error page. If I go back, my message is gone. I've made a habit of copying all my messages before I send them, but still, it's really annoying! -copies text-

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