rocky53204's Recent Forum Activity

  • While I regret your withdrawal from the project I think you deserve grateful thanks for initiating it.

    Warm regards to you and yours... Enjoy the Holidays and I wish you great success with your new job!

    If you decide to open source I will continue work in this area.

  • Cat game is awesome!

    Wishing you best of luck with the new job!

  • I have a three line text file saved with Windows word pad.

    It looks like this...

    cd C:\CrowdGaming Beta-v3

    npm install nodejs-websocket

    node server.js

    I start the word processor and 'cut' then 'paste' into cmd.exe opened in administrative mode...

    Adjust to suit your install. Have not tried it as a .bat file yet.

    As development continues documentation will catch up to it.

    WebRTC is still used by only a few browsers. Moreover, you need a specific web server. If that server

    goes down for any reason your program will no longer function. Ability to run off the internet with any reasonably current browser is a defining feature offered by this innovation.

    Co-operative games whereby players need the help of others to accomplish a goal is another way in which this could be used.

  • Over a month... link still 404

  • I'm beta-testing... this is very cool!

    I am able to run a local multiplayer in my home without internet lag. Users in my home with a smart phone or tablet need only connect to my home WiFi hot spot. Entering the game on their phone browsers they are quickly controlling game movement on their phones. (no charge for off-line phones!)

    No chat required... your fellow game players are in the same room!

    I could easily take it anywhere for a demo with user interaction... no internet required.

  • Stefanos... armadillo requires a web connection. As a beta-tester I have been able to use this off-line.

    That allows demonstrations and exhibits where internet is not available. It also has less lag time than internet connection games. You can play in your house with your friends in near real time.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Eagerly await a chance to purchase... great concept!

  • Quite clever! I found it helpful and thank you!

  • Quite clever... any capx examples?

  • Whilst attempting to work through the tutorials I am encountering several broken links.

    As example try to click the first link shown in this tutorial:

rocky53204's avatar


Member since 21 Apr, 2015

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