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  • Why'd you advice against physics?

    I did try line of sight with reflection, but got the same result as with physics.

  • Yeah, that is something that happens when tweaking the walls too much, the ball suddenly change directions and it feels unnatural

  • I thought about that, but couldn't get it to feel natural. Maybe I'll have to experiment a bit more though.

  • Hi

    So, I'm trying to make breakout type game, but regardless of which method I use I just can't get past the issue of the ball getting stuck bouncing between walls. I've tried physics, custom movement, math, anything I can think of. And it works great, except for this one thing, that happens regardless of tweaks. Here's a gif showing what I mean (this method uses physics): jm-j.com/example.gif

    How do breakout games usually avoid this?

  • I have the entire game running in one frame, and changes between "levels". I just want a way change the layout width and height at runtime, but I can't find a way to do it. Switching to a new layout is just way to prone to errors with the way the system is built right now.

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  • Alright, that could be it, I'll try. Thanks!

  • I don't think so, I've had to update game's recently made with other engines, never been an issue.

  • I'm having issues getting sound to play on mobile. Everything works great in the preview, and the games plays great otherwise, but no sound will play once exported and loaded via xcode. The project contains both ogg and m4a versions of all audio. This is a problem with multiple projects, is there something special you have to do to get audio working on mobile?


  • I know the question has been asked before, but I can't find the answer. When using the built-in save and load system, where is the actual file or files located? There must be a file that gets created somewhere.

  • Use Project Files. Text files aren't really a good format - an array, dictionary or JSON would probably be more suitable.

    But I need to be able to edit the file outside of the contstruct editor. Like, I wanna export a project that points to a file in the same folder as the project.

  • I'm trying to build a quiz game, and I want to have to have the questions in a separate txt document, and have a system that chooses the question based on, for example, a number at the start of each question. Either way, I'm trying to figure out how to get text from a file either local on the computer, of from a server, but not sure how?

  • Wow, do I feel silly. Thanks!

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Member since 18 Apr, 2015

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