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  • This is awesome! Excellent job!!!

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  • I second this.

  • This is great. Thanks.

  • Lots of sex jokes o_O

    An obese guy killed someone and he got sent to jail. When he got to jail he was allowed to make one phone call. He called dominoes pizza.

  • This looks good, I'm looking forward to playing.

  • I just formatted my PC, and I was using 99.83 previously. How's this version, guys? Pretty stable too? Any steps back from the previous version?

    It seems to work fine.

  • I love it! Awesome job!

  • I think making a collision mask's hotspot separate from the sprite would be useful, but for a different reason. Right now if you move the hotspot or crop the mask down smaller than the sprite you get strange collision results.

    I'm glad someone else agrees with this update! I'm really looking forward to see if it will make it in a future update of construct

  • I see what you mean. The movement just wasn't designed to detect collisions when you a move a sprite through events. I just assumed that it would because it detected collisions without events.

  • I agree with both of you. Both of your solutions work fine, they just take a more time. The reason I asked for this update is because its just makes this process sooooooo much easier and faster, because I have multiple blocks that the player can hit and each of them would reveal a different item and I didn't want to create seperate objects for each and every one. If this feature never gets implemented into construct I will just have to settle with your advice. I like both of your ideas, but adding this feature would make them more efficient.

  • Use construct, because it doesn't have that annoying preloader that game maker has that runs everytime you run your game. It takes like 10 -15 seconds to load each time! It doesn't sound like a lot but it gets annoying when youre just trying to change minor things like the jump height of a character.

  • I also think that would work but my only problem is, I don't want the empty space, because when you have a transparent space in a sprite it makes selecting objects with the mouse in the layout editor difficult. Its difficult because when you click on a sprite in the layout editor construct does't make distinctions between the visible part of the sprite and the transparent part of the sprite. For example if you have a 300 x 300 sprite that has a small 10 x 10 rectange in the middle and you click on the transparent part of the sprite construct will select the whole object which could cause issues with designing levels. I still think it would be more conveient if sprites and their collision masks have their own individual hotspots.

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Member since 9 Mar, 2010

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