glennmel's Recent Forum Activity

  • Actually I checked my dog asset and he's a rectangular bounding box for every animation.


  • Recent screens showing my new assets...

    [quote:3kdcf587]Are you using the platform behavior or a control derived from the physics plugin?

    I'm using the platform behavior. It could be my player's polygon though it's pretty much a rectangle all of the time. I might try to swap the dog out for a single rectangle and see how that goes for a while. Thanks for the suggestion.

    [quote:3kdcf587]I'm surprised you chose C2 given your expertise & it's lack of advanced animation tools

    Ha! I have no expertise in game dev at all. I'm a film and animation guy.

    Thanks for the encouragement peeps. I will find some time to dig into it.

  • Thanks all!

    I have built more levels and re-built almost all of the graphics leaning more heavily on 3D modelling as a basis.


    I am disheartened as every so often my character simply falls through a floor. That's something I can't fix of even pin to a specific issue and it's a real disincentive to keep working on the game.

    Needless to say I haven't touched it in over a month. Not sure what to do next.


  • I have a question I need help with.

    How do I use the same tilemap image for multiple levels? I want to saver file size and don't want a new 512X512 map in memory for each level if it's the same image?

    Thanks for any enlightenment,


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  • So cool. And replied so quickly. Thank-you so much for the help LittleStain!


  • Here is a small section of my game that is the first real trouble I've had while creating the thing.

    The trapdoors are picked by a variable to match the switch, but the three trapdoors behave differently, working, only opening and not closing, or not at all.

    Curiously, if I move them all up to the same spot, they work as needed.

    I'd love a clue from some smart person out there as to what I am doing wrong.


  • WIP 03!

    Still going strong but it's a long road to travel by yourself. The fifth level on this WIP is just my "mucking about" level where I build and test the traps and items.


  • "I don't know why but it reminds me Abe oddworld "

    Ha, I had a guy at work say the same thing. Maybe oddworld would have been better if Abe had a dog

  • Updated the first post with screens of my progress.

  • yeah, thanks!

  • Here is an update. My dog switches from platformer to 8 direction. as well as a random enemy spawner at work. LOTS of changes happening and the GUI is under way. Slow as I'm doing it by myself.

  • "This game reminds me of Sleepwalker for the Amiga CD32."

    Eek. I hadn't seen that. Well, I guess in Sleepwalker the dog is pushing the kid around which I don't do in mine. I don't want to watch too much of that in case I get influenced by it.

    Still working on the levels. Plugged in a level selector and GUI. The menus and buttons are quite a bit of work


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Member since 12 Apr, 2015

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