glennmel's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thanks for the response Mr. Wolf. I hope to put all of that info to good use.

  • Here is some gameplay.. Just a WIP.

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  • After a lot of digging I found that it was because my gui layers were set to parralax At 100. Setting them to zero fixed the jitter.

  • Hi all. I have ogv files playing fine in my game but not working when I test on my iPad. Is this just not doable or is there some trick to getting it working?



  • I have added 4 sprites to my game and added an anchor on each to act as buttons for my ipad game. When I preview the game, the playback is jerky.

    Is this the best setup for touch controls and how do I avoid the jerkiness?



  • I have been hard at work getting my head around subroutines and variables and it's all hanging together much more nicely. Soon I will be able to start building levels!

    here is a quick render of my opener as it stands. I consider this to be blocking at best. Hope to polish it up later.


  • Building some intro cinematics in blender.

  • Are there any Tuts on starting a game with a video ( or other animated file format)? I don't want to use in game sprites as a few of the objects need to be building size.

    Thanks for any help.


  • Hi all.

    I'm an animator Illustrator who is keen to make a platformer. I have NO programming experience but have been playing about with Construct 2 on and off for the past week.

    While this has a long way to go, I thought I'd post up some pics.

    The boy and dog have been kidnapped and you play the dog, working frantically to save his enslaved master...



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Member since 12 Apr, 2015

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