Somebody HOLY ***** You just made ALL the shaders I missed during the game production.
These effects are incredibly useful, and some really could/should be included by default in C2. (<
Ashley ?)
Scrolling UV is a basic which is very, very used in other engines, saves tons of animation frames for waterfalls, lava, etc... and was missing badly.
Most of your other shaders like Trim are super helpful as well for HUD. It would have saved me a lot of time on life bars, etc...
Thank you for the kind words, heh, heh. I was kinda thinking about usage so they are really simple, but, hopefully, practical Also I'm always worried about performance cost and unsure if things are done right, but they are as right as I can get them - another reason why most things have few parameters, etc.
Thank you very, very much for all this work. Looks like you're on fire! : )
i can't wait to see what will be your next ones.
EDIT: Should you have the time to do it, a "time" parameter would be super convenient for the seamless effect, so we don't have to modify a variable every tick to generate endless lopping objects like waterfalls or rain textures. (A "sine" parameter could help as well, to make objects like the one you show in your example.)
One reason I didn't do it was because time passed onto a shader is seconds passed from the start of the app. So there would be no control - you couldn't know that it would move from when you enable the effect, etc. But - it's totally doable so soon there should be an effect for "unattended" scrolling of things
EDIT2: Your Dot effect is fantastic as well. Are you able to apply it on a full layout? I got it to work on objects, but not on the layout.
The demos actually use it on a layer, so it should work, yeah. Have you checked them out?
Cool stuff is coming for sure, but I just happen to be going to Poland (why not, right?) so "almost daily" will be weekly for this week.