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  • Perfect, thanks a bunch

  • great that makes sense but I'm getting errors from dropbox downloading your file :(

  • vee41 Hmmm I totally understand how to use the variables to tell the game what layout to go to but I'm struggling to figure out how to get the player to spawn in the correct location. I've updated the original capx with where I am at at the moment.


  • Ah that sounds good I'll try it out and report back!

  • Hi all I've just prototyped a 'door' mechanic which is trying to emulate the way traditional 2D games like Cave Story work.

    Here's the Capx

    My objective is to have the player spawn in the new layout from the door they just used.

    If you see in my Capx my method uses quite a lot of events, I'm wondering if anyone can think of a more efficient / streamlined approach to creating this system? I can imagine that as my project gets bigger, it's going to be a hell of pain to keep track of all these doors in the way I'm currently doing it. Any info on this would be appreciated.



  • Oh yeah you are right! Thanks

  • I'm looking for ways of being able to tag objects to save repeating code. Example, I want to tag all my physics objects as being "Physics" so that if I shoot a weapon and it hits an object tagged as "Physics" the object reacts.

    Currently I'm typing events like "Bullet on collision with objectA" and repeating it for each object the bullet collides with.

    I tried grouping objects as a family but onDestroy seemed to destroy every single instance of the objects I grouped.

    Am I just being an idiot? Probably.

  • Yarfapet - that looks ace!

  • Ahhhhhhh that's easy - thanks guys!

  • Thanks, I don't quite understand how to use it though, I'm using it here:

    set text: "Time " & zeropad(0,hours) & "h" & zeropad(0,minutes) & "m" & zeropad(0,seconds) & "s"

    and it's just constantly adding 0 to seconds...

  • Hi all I've a clock in my game and I have 3 variables for hours, minutes and seconds.

    I am printing these into my scene and it appears as "0h 0m 0s" but I want it to look like "00h 00m 00s"

    Is there a way to print these variables as double digits?



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  • Hi - I'm trying to create a spawner object.

    I want at random intervals each spawner to spawn another object - but I can't work out how to make it so each spawner is independently random. At the moment, every spawner object spawns at the same time.

    I would post a cap but my project is quite big, if there's no easy fix I'll re-create what I've done in a blank project.

    Thanks all.

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