CrudeMik's Recent Forum Activity

  • Brute got a mention on RPS today! ... ore-309753

  • Ashley

    The performance on OSX in Chrome is a rock solid 60 FPS, it's just webkit which is very poor.

    chrome://gpu says - well I don't know what aspects you want so I've put it in a text file here:

  • Cryptwalker

    Thanks so much for testing!

    Hah the 15 levels I picked range hugely in difficulty, out of the 50 standard levels, there's enough of a ramp or at least choice about what levels to do that hopefully should calm some of the frustration.

    I hadn't thought of Hotline actually, and I think you're right there is some crossover there.

    Really happy the aesthetics are working so far, they will be much improved over the next couple of weeks but good to know the core style is okay.

    I still haven't tested controller, I think if I added it, I'd need to make specific levels for it, easier ones...

    Nice idea about printing the titles of the levels when you spawn in them I'll add that.

    Thanks again!

  • Thanks so much for this! Fixed an issue I was having with exporting crappy builds on PC

  • I've sent out test-builds to those interested, let me know if I missed you!


  • Hi all,

    Wondering if people have already been talking about this.

    I have a macbook pro newest version with integrated graphics. I just installed Bootcamp on it and am running Windows 10 and OSX (latest version).

    I exported my game Brute with Node Webkit and ran it in windows, the game ran silky 60fps, no hitches. Which I was very happy to see. Though when I booted up OSX, same machine, ran the mac export of the game and it was <30fps - very slow and choppy.

    Is something up with the mac version of Webkit?

    Sorry if this has already been addressed? Have looked on the forums but not found anything specific to contrasting performance on exactly the same hardware.

  • New trailer for Brute:

  • I've made a new trailer to celebrate hitting my 50 standard stages landmark today. Unfortunately not going to get test demos out today as it took all day to finish the final levels. Will aim to get the builds out on Monday.

    Anyway let me know what you think

    After I've finished the 50 remix levels next, I'll work on getting the menu / saving / loading / speedrun modes finished before going back through all the levels, tweaking, adding lots of detail polish and new art & sound etc.

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  • Up to level 44 / 50 - not far to go! When I reach 50 I start making the 50 'dark' remix version of those levels. After that it's playtest, playtest, playtest to see where the weak points are.

    Tomorrow should be sending out the first 15 levels to get some first impressions on the core mechanics.

  • Cryptwalker - thank you, I'll send you a demo build on PM hopefully Friday you may try if you wish

  • This looks awesome. Another vote in support of the high res. I like all your minimalistic aesthetic to your work, it's definitely got alot of appeal. Stoked to see more.

    Thank you, is encouraging to hear

  • spongehammer


    Thanks yeah I think I'm going for high, seems to be the majority opinion

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