Khan's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello there, what the tittle means is that I�m trying to do a condition like "When all instances of 'object1' in the layout have been destroyed, you win" Is there an easy way to do it? So far I�ve tough about using a global variable as the "total amount of object1 instances" and then keep track of the instances destroyed with another variable, (then, when the numbers are equal, you win) but that doesn�t seem elegant

    Does construct itself or any of the more veteran programmers have a way to achieve this?

  • Thank you! I�ll do it. Perhaps in a few days I�ll post the space combat-rts hybrid I�m trying to create

  • Hi there, I?m getting started with construct and after a few tutorials now I?m on my own (with the Wiki?s help) trying to figure out how each thing works. Regarding sprites I have a question, which format is the best for the sprite?s and other object?s textures??

    Sorry if the question has already been answered or if it is dumb

  • GlaDOS its the coolest final boss I�ve seen in quite a time: Sinister, cinical and totally crazy!

    ...and the Curiosity Core its soo cute

  • He, nice game, but perhaps the movement speed its a bit high?

  • Looks great, I hope you upload a demo

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  • Hi there! Well, my name is Khan, I�m from Tenerife, in the Canary Islands (thats a tiny archipielago near Africa :p) and I�m really happy to have found about Construct and this comunity.

    I�ve been into gaming for as far as I can remember (I remember playing Doom when I was supposed to be watching the Muppet�s show...) and my passion for gaming and computers has inevitably lead me to amateur games development. I�ve modded for a few games, mainly TES IV: Morrowind. Now that I can call myself a (still very bad) C/C++ Programmer I�ve wanted to go to the next step, create games from scratch, or as nearly as possible

    A few Text RPG projects have come and gone, along with my first "game engines" if I may dare to call them that way (one of them its still in development ). I tried a few 3D Game Engines, but I felt I needed to go more deep into the source, into the origin, into 2D....

    That�s how I found about Construct, and right now I�m hopping to have great fun and learn a lot about developing with this engine and its comunity. Perhaps, with luck, I may even find some help and finish my two most serious and ambitious projects (I will be surely talking about those )

    So much talk for my first post, just wanted to say "Hello and nice to meet you"

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Member since 25 Nov, 2009

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