Hi there! Well, my name is Khan, I�m from Tenerife, in the Canary Islands (thats a tiny archipielago near Africa :p) and I�m really happy to have found about Construct and this comunity.
I�ve been into gaming for as far as I can remember (I remember playing Doom when I was supposed to be watching the Muppet�s show...) and my passion for gaming and computers has inevitably lead me to amateur games development. I�ve modded for a few games, mainly TES IV: Morrowind. Now that I can call myself a (still very bad) C/C++ Programmer I�ve wanted to go to the next step, create games from scratch, or as nearly as possible
A few Text RPG projects have come and gone, along with my first "game engines" if I may dare to call them that way (one of them its still in development ). I tried a few 3D Game Engines, but I felt I needed to go more deep into the source, into the origin, into 2D....
That�s how I found about Construct, and right now I�m hopping to have great fun and learn a lot about developing with this engine and its comunity. Perhaps, with luck, I may even find some help and finish my two most serious and ambitious projects (I will be surely talking about those )
So much talk for my first post, just wanted to say "Hello and nice to meet you"