Russ's Recent Forum Activity

  • Can I ask when the online multiplayer plugin will be released?

    I guess it will be released at last. There are still too much work with some ready parts of Construct. Sorry for answering instead of devs

  • V.0.99.5 isn't stable? So why is 0.99.6 released?

  • Lol, my first serious cap was map-generator I'm still working on it it and guess that I'm in the dead end (too complex code, too many small bugs). Thanks to you, now I know how to make it better. Right now I don't want to copy your tutorial, but it helped me very much! To understand.

  • lucid, sure, it would be great! I am not a programmer at all, but as an user of course I want Construct to be more powerful, more clear as fast as it may be (and who doesn't ? Maybe creators of GM only do )

    So.. anyway it's up to Construct devs. Hope it's possible.

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  • Someone please tell me: is that nasty ELSE-with-sub-events-bug solved in 0.99.5 version?

    ( Or we should wait and do tricks with event code.. )

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Member since 15 Oct, 2009

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