Russ's Forum Posts

  • Yes, it's more than possible with Construct.

    But. I've tried something like this and now I'm telling you: "I would start at a smaller project first" Step by step, mate, step by step.

  • Ok, I'm writing here.

    Finally I got it

    But it works well!

    Anyway it is something different than I've thought. But nevermind

  • Hi!

    Are you creating a map-editor, I suppose?

    It's interesting. I have an idea HOW TO do it, but have never tried :]

    My map-generator is abandoned right now. Funny, it was my first big project on Construct.

    Now I'm trying to do another thing.

    (and it's neccessary to create map-editor but not right now)

    So, it's good for both of us to communicate.

  • I did this stuff (auto map-generator)

    It is messy, overblown and somewhat undone... don't wanna show it to anyone : )) but it works.

    I can tell you - I'm using one big array for the map (2D). For example:

    1- is room-tile (it can be other symbol)
    0 - is clear space
    Also I've created an algorythm to spawn rooms and corridors ramdomly like.. like chain, you know. One by one (and it's possible to do some ramification). 
    Like this:
    Room - corridor  - Room - corridor.
    Hope you understand something.  
    I want to help you, so you can ask something 
    Also it's easy to create map-loader/saver (I've done it) array-txt. It can resolve your problem with text Manipulator (it's unnecessary).
  • What's the problem for you exactly ?

    Turn-based game isn't much harder (or easier) to create than real-time

    Just specify your question, please, ok?


    But I guess anyway you should try Grid Movement Behavior, maybe RTS Behavior. It can clear something.

  • It's not a useless feature, but only not obligatory.

  • newt,

    thank you very much! It works nicely.

    I should learn more about custom movement behavour - it's so powerful stuff

  • > BarneyGumble44,

    > are you making crush-the-castle remake?



    Damn you, there went my morning, lol. I just quit playing that after clicking your link! That's a fun game, never seen it before!


    You know Armor Games made some other physics-based games on Flash. I like them.

    (oh.. sorry again )

  • Be free, give it for free.

    Trial is one of the shittiest things in our world.

    P.S. ALso there is no protection that noone could hack

  • > newt,

    > I'm guessing both me and newt have the latest version. Update (if you want to) and it should work fine.


    You mean 0.99.7? Well, don't know, it's unstable. I'll rather wait

  • I think Construct is the best for arcade games, but you can create games of all other genres with some tricks. Yes, sometimes you should code a lot but it's easier for me than to do it with 'grand' programming languages (actually I suck on those languages and have no choise).

    Construct is intuitive at maximum and that's the best feature.

    Also I'm not a pro at Construct, so it's just opinion based on my experience.

  • newt,

    I can't open your cap

    Construct 0.99.62 crashes with message "An unknown error occured while accessing an unnamed file".

    Is it known issue? It's strange. How did Lost my Keys open it? : ()

  • BarneyGumble44,

    are you making crush-the-castle remake?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Oh, guys.. While browsing this thread I just want to say you all are so talented!

    Very nice pics and ideas you have.

    I'm jealous

  • [quote:2mmzlwph]You can use the plugin however you want, commercial or otherwise, but a mention in the credits would be appreciated.

    For sure! If any project will be released, of course