Russ's Recent Forum Activity

  • BarneyGumble44,

    are you making crush-the-castle remake?

  • Oh, guys.. While browsing this thread I just want to say you all are so talented!

    Very nice pics and ideas you have.

    I'm jealous

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • [quote:2mmzlwph]You can use the plugin however you want, commercial or otherwise, but a mention in the credits would be appreciated.

    For sure! If any project will be released, of course

  • deadeye

    oh man, you are a pro!

    You almost did all the job



    It's just 3-minutes-sketch

    1 action actually. And it's just one way to do it..

    Sorry for incompleteness.

    P.S. Also I didn't use TimeDelta, but it's very usefull to do it.

    P.P.S. The main task for you is to set up physics parameters of all objects.

  • Man, it's just awesomeness

    I've tried your plugin and I'm really impressed! Think it's good idea to use it in my project (hope your plugin is not commercial ).

    Oh and it's nice to see new updates regularly here. I will tell you if something is wrong. Good luck, linkman!

  • Yeah, great tuts!

    I take some ideas from your realization (ph.. why I didn't find it 3 month ago being total newbie? )

    And also so sweet graphics.. how can you draw like this.. amazing Nice.

    I'm sure all newcommers got to like your tuts. Don't give up!

  • Oh, hi all

    I'm from Russia (Siberia) and I'm 23 y.o.

    My english grammar skills are poor (sorry!) but I have blue eyes and that's cool

    Ok. You know, my basic job is journalism. Despite that fact I always like games and were interested in game-design.

    I've been learning Pascal, Delphi, C++, but guess they are too hard for my humanitarian brain

    It was so good to find Construct. It's really nice for me. Programming in Construct = pure inspiration + easy realization!

    Now I'm trying to code some ambitious games

    Oh.. and want to say: it's nice to meet such great persons here!

    And many thanks to devs of Construct.

    And Viva Construct!

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  • > Are you able to expand on why this is? (I'm not an RTS expert)


    Tactics is how you fight a battle: formations, who goes first, who provides support.

    Strategy is how you go to war: support, location, morale.

    Most games address tactics only. The Total War series does both, leaning more on the strategic side (it offers no control over individual units, for example)

    Madster, so I guess only global strategies are 100%-stategies But that's a problem - 90% of them are turn-based. Maybe for a reason.

  • Pseudo-3d games are also quite possible.

    Construct is an instrument, not sphere of action. It's all up to you.

  • I guess it's very interesting and useful one! Keep up good work!

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Member since 15 Oct, 2009

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