this is the first level, layout 1 is the basic structure of the buttons. layout 2 is a preview of the first level, NOTE: dont mind the fact that on second layout u can turn into a ferret when u overlap the gray box, this will be corrected in future.
level one u must destroy boss by making his fireballs(stupid pink boxes) hit the wall in front of him, the balls bounce back and hit him taking away from his health. and when he is destroyed, the really dark wall u see when the platform moves down will be destroyed and u will be able to get back on the moving platform(harder than hell itself) HINT: do it on the platforms upstroke
once on the platform and it returns on the downstroke jump on the platform with the spikes on the side, WITHOUT HITTING SPIKES AS IT WILL KILL YOU, and go into the opening of that room. the one with the plasma. this will take u to a temple i havent made yet and that is where u will get the "token for the ferret powers. this is the first of 7, count them,,,7 EASY levels.. these levels will have obstacles that only require the use of one or 2 animal abilities to accomplish, there will be an additional 10 lvls after that that require brains to use proper combinations of animal abilities to get through, and each level requires the same difficulty of combinations to defeat said levels' bosses.
ALSO take note of the small opening behind the boss, this is the doorway to the stories first progression or LVL2, doorway can only be reached while in ferret form, which requires u do all of what i said in the beginning. fun eh? let me know what u think
EDIT: i tested layout 2 and it is possible to complete all the way through. graphics **** as i used basic scribble boxes for platforms etc. i need to add smaller easier monsters into the mix. and i will try to look for some placeholder art for the time being. im very siked about this project and for me it is my once in a lifetime idea, and i already cherish it dearly. people, expect great things from this, cuz u WILL see great things come of it