SSG-Jessie's Forum Posts

  • that and what if i told u im taking 10 steps further and making ai that no only can navigate multiple levels of platforms, but once the ai has line of site to u, that ai can track u down no matter where u hide and even when LOS is lost? and completely independant of human input

  • yes, "has wall to right, jump, has wall to left jump. im talkin about platforms suspend in the air. scattered platforms that a monster is able to navigate VERY efficiently, and can be tweaked to be even more complex, this isnt your everyday move towards player monster.

  • use image points for spawning the cannonball, helps with what ur experiencing


    run layout 2 only!,,, the green box is what u need to watch, came up with a "smart" enemy ai that not only knows if its by a ledge but knows how to follow u up platforms and beyond, though i have not added any "follow" scripts just yet, once i have the more intermediate ai implemented with this i will have made the most,,,,,annoying,,,,enemy anyone has ever known muahahahahaha. the concept is up for grabs for anyone that wants to use it. NOTE: the green box will only jump onto platforms if you are higher than him, so take a look and let me know what u think

  • problem solved with the platform, i tweaked your fix to where it sets viertical speed to armbar vertical speed +50, that got rid of the glitches by ultimately puting triple the gravity towards the platform, no chance of falling no matter how fast the platform moves, but u also could jump, so with another condition "player is jumping"(inverted) took care of it. thanks man

  • i looked at your cap, it did seem smoother, but it glitches when the platfor changes from vertical to horizontal. i should have never thought of that damn thing. its sure to be a deal breaker. one more problem im facing is that u all notice i have an extra layout that i dont need, i will surely turn it into an entro menu, but ive noticed that i cant delete it or move the layout to a different order, i can delete everything in it, and delete everything in its event sheet, but if i delete the layout my game WILL NOT RUN. i also have an idea that instead of buttons to change forms, have a hollow aztek circle type tome at the bottom right that is kind of divided into the 7 segments each with a stone embossed picture of the particular animals involved in this game, with a selecter that is controlled by your mouse. for instance u have a second layer with a border stone that fits perfectly around one segment of the tome, and u click and hold said border and drag it(rotate it) towards the next segment or chosen segment and release and it snaps to that segment. and slowly rotates the opposite direction on its own a full 360 degrees snaps to it again and starts the transformation animation. is that a little too much to ask of construct?

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  • is there a way to prevent the fall action when on that particular platform?

  • its not that i fall off or fall through, its just that my player vibrates as the platform moves down

  • i know i been periodically updating my progress, here is the updated cap, problem is still unsolved

  • i was just giving him something that would give his enemies a truly RANDOM factor of movement. didnt say my way was the only way

  • well its really cool, what i did was i made an event, that for each "enemy"(family), and second condition, every random(2000) milliseconds. set private variable "move" to random(2)

    this will mean that for every monster that u have in the family, it will set their own private variable 0 or 1 at their own random time

    make some events for the family such as if private variable "move" is equal to 0 then set angle to 0

    and make the same for 1 to equal 180.

    i did it for my game and i also gave them a line of site with a range of 250 and once in LOS they would act like the kooper monsters in the platformer game. ill upload a cap of my game to show u, but u are WARNED: i dont excercise organizing my events very well lol.

    the example is on layout two, ull notice that all of them are same monsters in random patterns and ALL of them walk independantly even when each monster is just another instance of the first ones i created

  • not only do u put it in a global variable, but u can also play with the "for each object", and place individual, global variables, for each object will allow u to only have to do this once. i had to do this with my game cuz i had split levels, and when u entered a dungeoun layout, and came back to the normal game layout the monsters and the bosses would respawn

    EDIT: sorry i couldnt help myself, i never stop thinking. u could also put all the coins from one level into a family, so u would have a family for coins in each level, set ALL the coins to be global objects, that would make the ones u destroyed in one layout destroyed in the next. but if u didnt destroy them they would show up in the next, to solve this problem u would set the family of coins for that particular level as the only ones that are visible, and of course u would have to add a second condition to your collision event that says that if u collide or overlap the coin, AND it is visible, then destroy, so on and so forth.

  • nevermind, i looked into it, random times are an option but u have to use fuctions and function returns

  • i too am making a platformer, and ive been dwelling on a more AI feel to the enemies, would be nice if u can set up a random amount of tics and millisecond, then have the action set a random variable between 1 and 2, which would depict which direction the enemy is facing, and a counter condition that says this is only true if player isnt in LOS or X distance, would give the illusion of a wondering enemy

  • enter a second condition that says only play animation when walking, ELSE(special condition) add another event that says if player is walking(invert this condition) set animation to standing