SSG-Jessie's Forum Posts

  • there are tutorials and documentation covering every aspect of this.

  • u were able to do ALL OF THAT,, and u cant make an object variable? that was outrageously awesome, i cant help. hell of a game


    ignor layout 1 and just run layout 2, ull notice the problem when u jump on the blue platform. as the platform moves, there are instances of u falling, which is making my character none the less glitch, anyone got an idea?

  • set the player to have private variable, for this purpose we'll call the vairable "coins" and set an event to where when overlap between player and gem, increase private variable 'coins' by 1. have the access to the areas blocked off and set an event that compares a private variable, reaches cirtain amount, destroy object ubstructing the way

  • well u have to insert a keyboard/mouse object into the layout first, after that the option will be available

  • studied this recently lol just put an action on your 'start layout event and set mouse scroll speed, woot woot i know something

  • is that your messenger account or just email?

  • i have yahoo im, its

  • everything helps, when it builds toward a goal, although i would like help in terms of building upon the structures i have created already. viewing different versions of my idea was not my intentions when requesting help, but i appreciate your enthusiasm and will look forward to seeing your take on things


    this is the first level, layout 1 is the basic structure of the buttons. layout 2 is a preview of the first level, NOTE: dont mind the fact that on second layout u can turn into a ferret when u overlap the gray box, this will be corrected in future.

    level one u must destroy boss by making his fireballs(stupid pink boxes) hit the wall in front of him, the balls bounce back and hit him taking away from his health. and when he is destroyed, the really dark wall u see when the platform moves down will be destroyed and u will be able to get back on the moving platform(harder than hell itself) HINT: do it on the platforms upstroke

    once on the platform and it returns on the downstroke jump on the platform with the spikes on the side, WITHOUT HITTING SPIKES AS IT WILL KILL YOU, and go into the opening of that room. the one with the plasma. this will take u to a temple i havent made yet and that is where u will get the "token for the ferret powers. this is the first of 7, count them,,,7 EASY levels.. these levels will have obstacles that only require the use of one or 2 animal abilities to accomplish, there will be an additional 10 lvls after that that require brains to use proper combinations of animal abilities to get through, and each level requires the same difficulty of combinations to defeat said levels' bosses.

    ALSO take note of the small opening behind the boss, this is the doorway to the stories first progression or LVL2, doorway can only be reached while in ferret form, which requires u do all of what i said in the beginning. fun eh? let me know what u think

    EDIT: i tested layout 2 and it is possible to complete all the way through. graphics suck as i used basic scribble boxes for platforms etc. i need to add smaller easier monsters into the mix. and i will try to look for some placeholder art for the time being. im very siked about this project and for me it is my once in a lifetime idea, and i already cherish it dearly. people, expect great things from this, cuz u WILL see great things come of it

  • that function object is very confusing, will have to read the wiki i guess to understand just how it works, and as an update i had already implemented the keyboard/mouse object as well as an effective way to transform, using sprites and mouseclicks as a means for an "artificial" button. as well as picking up an object representing the animals respectic "token" to make the buttons visible and changing forms only possible when said button IS visible. and one of a ferrets abilities is to pick up small objects with its mouth i played with a pick-up ability for him using an overlap event combined with a "is control down" event to make to where if he is overlapping a small platform or object,and the "grab" button is down, said object's possition is set to ferret's image point/mouth. although have not found a way to limit the overlap to JUST ferret's image point. i think a group effort on an ametuer level is a great way for people to learn. it provides experiences to mix among the masses and i am all for it <----personal opinion ONLY....and thanks for the cap, u showed me that u dont need 100 lines of events to do stuff


    EDIT: also, i tinkered around with the button object, all it does is pause the game and mess things up

    to further show what i mean, i made a small demonstration of how the game would kinda sorta be played, where as u can not get into a room u need to be in until u change form. download the cap and let me know what u think. no graphics, just boxes, but the concept is there

  • need a team of 3 for this project. most marketable idea ive ever had. a puzzle adventure that starts out with each lvl/dungeon u solve a lvl, destroy enemies, destroy a boss, and gain a token/ statue miniature of cirtain animals, 6 in all, ferret, hawk, wolf, bear, snake, and a fish, see where this is going? end of dungeoun place tokens in their respective places, small cinematic of u morphing into each one, therein after there will be puzzles and monsters that require the right use of a proper combination of animal abilities to defeat.

    putting this idea in the forums on good faith


    vast help with buttons, need buttons to control which character the player is playing(HUD and inventory), basically i just need some things done that i can not yet do myself, things that would prevent me from even developing a prototypish game of this structure. anyone interested???

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  • part of the reason im doing this is because my sword is visible at all times, and some parts of it can overlap an enemy without swinging the sword, and i didnt want my game to just make it where u can walk around and do nothing and still hit enemies.

    and yes i notices the collision is a little,,,,buggy when u have more than just boxes, so i used when overlapping, is that a better method?

  • what im planning to do is, have an animation for the attack, and i have a swork attached to my character, and for the combat i was goint to make enemies get damage when colliding with the sword, but add a counter condition that would prevent any damage to enemies unless the attack animation was running. been using construct for like 4 days so someone else might have a better idea