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  • That kind of sounds like what's happening as my stash adds the items dropped into it as a child.

    I'll try that evarede, thank you!!

  • The Problem is that The action that destroys the obj should only destroy the object that's not in stash, inventory, or equipped.

    It just does it anyways haha

    I tested the instance variables extensively to see if they all correctly apply from being stashed, equipped, or in inventory.

  • Yeah the object would delete itself, while it should technically go back into my inventory.

    There is one event that destroys this specific objects and if I disable it, it fixes the item destroying part but makes the load fail like nearly 100 percent of the time for whatever reason.

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  • Any objects moved into stash or otherwise changed positions delete itself and several other objects reset visibility or lose child/parent and etc.

    And it's not 100% same each time in different configurations of errors after loads.

    It's got me stumped.

  • So whenever I save using the System Save action, I can save/load fine initially.

    But Problem show after two points:


    On Loading after "fresh" launch of the game, game fails to load with:


    If I save, then move an object from one area (From my inventory to stash) then load.

    Loading destroys the object in the stash instead of moving it back to where it was (in my inventory)

    I have it trigger a sound when the object is destroyed for testing purposes.


    Both leads to triggering "On Load Failed" and a broken gamestate.

    > There is only one action that calls for these objects to be destroyed. If I disable that action, the game also fails to load but the objects are not destroyed but the game state is still broken.

    I have no idea what is causing this so if anyone's got any idea!

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Member since 23 Jan, 2024

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