R0J0hound's Recent Forum Activity

  • [quote:2u9nlykn]so it's a getter/setter for vector private variables, right?

    It mainly provides the ability to do math operations on vectors. You can set/get vectors in PVs without it.

  • Sounds like you may have more than one instance of the XAudio2 object.

    Run debug layout and click on XAudio2 to see how many instances you have.

    If you have more than one, then you will want to remove the extras.

    Since you cannot select only one instance to delete, you will have to delete the XAudio2 object then re-add it. Or, if you have lots of sound events and don't want to re-add them all, do this:

    1. Give XAudio2 the destroy on start attribute.

    2. Add an event to create a XAudio2 at the start of the layout.

    hope that helps.

  • [quote:1xw7p0k5]trying to find the definition for :

    virtual TextureHandle CreateTextureFromFile(PCTSTR filename, texture_format format = cr::texture_format_a8r8g8b8)

    The function is defined on line 1304 of this file:


    Hope that helps.

  • 1.

    Did you check "Auto Rotate" in the "Platform Movement" settings.


    Try one of the play music actions.


    Need a cap for this one.

  • When inputting an expression

    Double-click on any object.

    Click back.

    You should now see a list of all the families in addition to objects.

  • Use the is overlapping condition with your events to select the correct tree to place behind/in front of.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/pics/events2.GIF">

    Repeat that for all 3 trees.

    Or you could add all three trees to a family, say "Terrain", and change the tree references in those three events to Terrain. That way all the trees will be handled in just three events. It also makes it simpler to add other visual blocks such as signs, rocks, etc... without the need for extra events to do the sorting.

  • This should fix the bouncing.

    Changed event #3 of event sheet "player1". The var JumpBackward was used twice and JumpForwad wasn't used.

    Changed event #3 of event sheet "player2". This was the issue I was talking about. The player1 facing was being changed from player2 events.


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  • Change this condition

    + player1_MSK: is on ground

    to this

    + player1_MSK: [negated] is jumping

    + player1_MSK: [negated] is falling

    "is on ground" sets the vars to zero when jumping because is seems that the object is still considered on the ground at the beginning of the jump.

    Also I found a typo on the "player2" event sheet, on event 3.

    + System: Else

    -> PlayChar2: Set angle to 0

    -> System: Disable group "P1 F Right"

    -> System: Enable group "P1 F Left"

    I'm pretty sure those "P1"s need to be "P2", otherwise it causes the player1 to bounce in the air when jumping over player2.

  • I think the problem is the variables never get set to 1. All the events that set the variable require that doublejump=1 including the event that sets doublejump to 1.

  • This works:

    + System: Start of layout

    -> Registry: Open key "Control Panel\Desktop" under root HKEY_CURRENT_USER

    -> Text: Set text to Registry.ReadString("WallPaper")

    Strings in Construct use double quotes. Single quotes are only for variable names.

  • [quote:1bvqi2tb]Using Davo's example, How would I get to rotate?

    Just add this action to the 2nd event:

    -> Body: Set angle to global('angle')[/code:1bvqi2tb]