You can create stuff without picking it by doing it in a function. This takes it a step further to provide a way to manipulate the object without picking, although it is often preferred to pick the object if you want to do a lot to it.
Creating a lot of objects at once is better done with normal events than this, but it helps support it if you throw the uids in an array.
Here is a second version of this with a test where it would possibly be useful. ... .capx?dl=1
* It now works with text values as well as numbers.
* Array indexes can be negative to access elements from the right instead of left.
* The error checking was reworked so no if a property can't be accessed it will return "nil". That applies to arrays as well.
That is better than silently returning 0 like C2 does by default.
* It has a shortcut way to create arrays and dictionaries.
I guess the next useful addition would be to add a function to load json data, or something similar.
Next version is in the works and I’ve found a bunch of issues with this version. Debugging isn’t very trivial at this point, which makes it not super useful for others. It’s a fun pet project, I’ll see how far I can push it.