R0J0hound's Recent Forum Activity

  • zenox98

    Ah cool, that works. Didn't know it was you that replied. I was on my phone and the layout seems mangled so I can't read the usernames. So you are no longer anonymous now.

    On I side note, after a few posts and assuring that I am not a robot, I am actually having my doubts.

  • Nope, I'll probably go engineless. Presently I haven't been doing much coding at all.

    Since I only code for fun, things like maintaining previous projects fall by the wayside.

  • Is there a way to unfollow users?

  • Any new insight on that memory leak R0J0hound? I love this behavior a lot but unfortunately I'm experiencing a severe slowdown for the FPS over time, even when nothing is moving anymore in the scene..

    None since my last observation about it. Something that should be deleted isn't because something is keeping a reference to it so it's not being gc'd.

    Anyways consider all my plugins in their final state and won't be updated.

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  • It’s not feasible for all broken links to be fixed, but if you reply to the topics with the broken links you’re interested in and the author is still around, they are usually happy to fix those when they get a chance. Most wont bother checking all their links to make sure they still work.

    Dropbox broke all their links about a year ago so that’s the main cause of broken links. The original authors would need to re share the file with a new link.

  • Nothing obvious comes to mind. My testing when I made it was pretty limited, I never have used webview+ or canvas+.

    My guess is there's something with webgl or the canvas dom is a bit different between the two, or maybe the C2 runtime sets up the webgl state slightly different depending on which is used.

    I don't plan on working on the plugin anymore, so I don't have a fix or solution.


  • OhhBaby

    I can't see your images.

  • Sprites are best for general purpose stuff. For animation they are a must unless you are willing to hide multiple objects and only show one at a time.

    If you have areas where a texture is repeated then a tiledbackground can be useful because it can render that as one object. If you need it animated that’s not what it’s for.

    If the objects are laid out in a grid you can look at the tilemap object. Again it’s not animated but it is faster than rendering multiple sprites, and collision detection is a bit faster with it.

    The rule of thumb is sprites are general purpose and the other objects are special purpose that are faster in some ways but less flexible.

    Other objects that may be useful:

    Spritesheet - lets you select a subrectangle of a texture to draw instead of the whole thing.

    Paster - lets you draw objects to it so you don’t have to redraw it every frame normally.

    Anyways if the game runs slow, the rendering of that many objects is the main bottleneck. You may just need to scale the amount of objects back.

    For the logic you can do

    Tree: myscale<1

    —- tree: set myscale to min(1, self.myscale+dt)

    Or whatever the variable name is.

    The condition only updates the trees that aren’t full grown, and stops at 1. Is that what you were after?

  • It’s the same download as the free version. You put that file in the same folder or in your documents and then when c2 runs it will see the file and unlock to be the full version.

  • The example I made was only for one axis of infinite scrolling.

    Two scroll both we need to do something a bit different. Basically four copies of each object.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/sw2z30j560be0 ... .capx?dl=1

  • If you don't use solid you can make the player stand perfectly on the sphere like so:

    every tick

    --- player: set angle toward earth.x, earth.y

    --- player: rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise

    distance(earth.x,earth.y,player.x,player.y) <= radius

    --- player: set position to earth

    --- player: move radius pixels at angle player.angle+90

    Making the platform behavior happy is another issue. Since there is no solid, the platform behavior doesn't know when it's on the ground. You can do the logic manually though. When the second event runs, the player is on the earth, so you can add a sub-event to check for the jump key is pressed and then simulate a jump.

    Walking could be done similarly, but for smoothest motion I suppose you can be more clever.

  • NetOne

    No worries. It’s basically a way to access objects like a programming language such as JavaScript or c++ would.

    Maybe useful when using some data structure more complex than a single array or dictionary.

    I need to attempt using it for something to see if it helps or is more tedius than using a bunch of picking tricks.

    For now it’s kind of cool that I can create a bunch of arrays and dictionaries linked together by uids and be able to access things with a single line.