I really don't. I just have the text's all separate for each menu so it's easier to work with. I pin those to the "sheets" which are the solid backgrounds, and have borders around the sheets that are also pinned to the sheet. Then I have the sheet always positioned to where the bar is that you grab on. Those bars have drag and drop, limited to the direction you are going (it's in the behavior settings). The aesthetic part of the dragable bars is the arrows, which are set as sprites at 0 speed etc. and changed depending on their position.
As for those bars, (take the top one) if it's Y is greater than (say) 128, then set to 128, and if it's less than 0, set to 0. They also have to follow along the X and Y of the other menus to keep in line with everything.
Scrolling them in and out was two groups initially set inactive that depending on a "in" or "out" variable will either active putting their X or Y in the direction they are closing, and vice versa, and then when all are in closed or open position, then deactivate the groups.
I'll try to get a capx to show you.