KaioGamesDev's Recent Forum Activity

  • My game doesnt "collect and share identifiers " or at least i dont mean to. I cant figure out if this option can be disabled from C3 or if it cannot be done in order to show any ads.

    In the second case, then i would do that you said

  • i receibed this email from playstore about my game:


    Fix the policy violation with your app

    During review, we found that your app violates the Families Policy Requirements. We’ve identified that your app or an SDK in your app transmits identifier that do not comply with our Families Policy. These identifiers may include, but are not limited to Advertising ID.

    For example, the destinations of Android Advertising ID transmission may include, but are not limited to google.com.

    Apps that solely target children, must not transmit the following:

    Android Advertising ID (AAID)

    SIM Serial

    Build Serial




    IMEI and/or IMSI


    The game is setted in admob for all public.

    Is it a problem with the mobilead plugin?

  • ...but now the problem is:


    We’ve identified that your app or an SDK in your app transmits device identifier(s) from children or users of unknown age that do not comply with our Families Policy.


    Again, admob at G, no other SDK, just the C3 Mobileadvert

  • Thanks.

    They meant MY own ads publiciting my other games :P

  • Hi.

    I have a problem and dont know how to solve. At this time te solutions i have found online applies to games with code to modify, I dont know how to do it in Construct if it si possible. The "MobileAdvert" plugin have no settings about it, and i already setted the app in Admob as "G".

    But i still receive this:


    Issue found: Families ad format requirements

    Your app contains ads that don’t comply with our Families ad format requirements. For example, we don’t allow:

    Ads or offers for in-app purchases that aren’t clearly distinguishable from your app content, including but not limited to offerwalls and immersive ads experiences. For example, your app contains an ad that isn’t clearly labeled, or your app contains an ad that’s stylistically similar to the game interface.

    Issue details

    We found an issue in the following area(s):

    Version code 1000103

    To bring your app into compliance, follow these steps:

    To resolve this issue, remove any violating ad content before submitting an app update.

    Make sure your app uses a version of the Families Self-Certified Ads SDKs listed in the program. For details, refer to the “Format requirements” section of the Families Ads and Monetization policy.


    Please Help. And sure im not the only one

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads

    With random Mazes!


  • Hi everybody.

    Its my first release. It was made while I learn construct.

    At the beggining, testing Construct i said "lets clone the pacman". Then i said "lets make it with emojis".

    The outcome was good for me... so i said "wath if te maze is procedural generated each level?". And about a month testing algoritms the outcome was enough for me to try it in Playstore (my first).

    About a year later finnaly i get an developer license in the PS so here it is!

    Support a "Constructer" fellow by downloading and rate it :)


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Member since 31 Dec, 2023

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