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  • Oh my God, noooooo! It doesn't woooork! :'( This error comes again!

    Don't ask me about bug tracker please, I've posted it on source forge long ago.

    I don't know what to say, none of my suggestions were right. All I have to do now is to buy a new pc because nothing helped me to get rid of that error, even hd formatting and reinstalling XP!

    Though this version failed to load on my pc I was amazed by the recent openGL experiment, that was totally awesome! Anyway congrats on a new build, I bet it's awesome! Cheers!

  • I'll test your game then.

    EDIT: didn't work.

    EDIT: hey, I like the music! Sounds relaxing!

  • It's a new renderer issue, sprite error. Some computers support it(new render), others don't.

    For those who gets error when trying to launch preview while working in Construct 0.94+ - don't add sprites, try to add some canvases or boxes or something else, then try to launch Construct and the preview will launch for sure. That's not a solution, I'm just trying to point out that it's a sprite bug - add a sprite and then launch debug mode and you'll see that yourself. I really envy guys who don't get errors like this and really eager to try "Audia" (it's really interesting to see your new stuff, Davio, I also liked the old "Bit Fortress" builds) and I'm sure many other guys who has the same error are willing to test it so I'm yelling about this bug a lot. Oh btw Happy New coming Year, guys!

  • Oh thanks for attention, people! Well, R0J0Hound is right, the error pops up anytime you try to add a sprite, no matter how. Maybe you should try to recall what did you do in 0.99 builds and what you didn't do in 0989? I don't know what else to suggest.

  • Bug fixes are always awesome!

    Btw guys are you going to fix the sprite plugin or not? I was screaming bazillion times about it and submitted this bug to the tracker long ago ... id=1003219 . Once again I'll mention that there is no opportunity to create an example cap because if I do it, it will work on computers that have no problems with sprite plugin. This bug is a great barrier for all construct game devs because this bug lowers compatibility status much! Imagine you've made a cool game but it works only on your pc...

    I've done a lot of things before: installed Construct on XP SP3, then formatted my both hard drives and installed it on XP SP2 but it didn't help(I always have latest DX9 releases on my pc). I still receive this error. Guys you gotta do smth with it I know. I appreciate your hard work and efforts in game creating engine developing much and believe it's the best 2d engine in the world.

  • Aaaah, that sprite error again! Since 0994 I've reinstalled my xp twice and have even installed latest dx9 driver but it gives me error when I try to add a sprite and render. I'm not able to check this update so I have one question: was bone behavior multiply problem solved?

  • So how's going, Hellwalker?

  • Why 989 works fine then? And again - all games and all programs work fine on my cpu except those ones which were made in Construct 099 and later versions. :/ That cannot be just my XP - check this forum or tracker - some other people were complaining about this. Devs must make Construct stable for all computers, it's in their interest too.

    EDIT: Oh sry, didn't read your post fully!

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  • Imagine, Davio, I get error when I try to launch the app with sprite! Other plugins work fine. I think there's smth wrong with VC2005...

  • Attan, you don't understand. It doesn't depend on cap, it depends on compatibility with other computers. Watch this video - plus screenshots - and - that's when I start debugging (sry for quality but can't do better) . Here I tried to add gradient and it's okay but when I add sprite...well I posted the bug on tracker and here many times, other people posted their caps with the same prob but those caps worked ok for people who's cpu's support latest builds. I also tried some new exe's people posted here on last 3 weeks and also got errors though games like Aquaria, Tagap, Flash Bang Studios games(Paper Moon) or other games that use modern technologies work fine on any computer, even mine. Guys(I mean devs), please solve this problem because if people who's cpu's support latest builds will release games(I mean commercial projects) that most machines will not support , uh...

    In case of smth I'll leave my cpu's specifications:

    AMD Athlon XP 2500+ 1,93 Ghz, GeForce 6600 128 MB, 1GB RAM, Windows XP SP3.

  • Great pity I can't test it! All builds since 99.3(or .2?) give me the same sprite bug as before. I've submited this bug to the tracker, u devs asked me to put a cap example but this bug doesn't depend on caps but computers - not all computers support last builds, several people met this situation too.

  • Do you mean you simply want a quicker way to have a different collision mask for a sprite, or do you want a new collision engine (ie. current is pixel-perfect, it sounds like you want a vertex-based polygon collision detector), or both?

    "Vertex-based" sounds very optimizing(less cpu intensive), it would really ease my work! :~D

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