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  • Thanks guys ! Yeah I really want to implement advanced martial arts and a gun after the first enemy plus some hints in game. Caspis, your pc seems to be good enough, I think I've lost sense of optimizing with my Athlon Duo 2.8 Ghz and Audigy2 sound card. Guys I think I'll make step sounds lower, planning to rework the gfx a bit, you know, add some detail, plot and gameplay tricks cause the game is pretty boring for yet I think.

    Btw could someone tell me how to make multiply bone structured enemies because when I try to add more than one guard they react all the same, I mean, when I hit one guard, another guard plays animation damage as well, or when one dies, another one dies too but their life count is different so that causes a lot of bugs too?

  • Damn, seems like this bug was caused by sound channels, I load 5-8 files into channels per layout. Btw what are your pc specs?

  • Sure

  • <img src="">

    Here's my first game, first indie game in North Ossetia, it's about an ancient instrument with magical powers, you're the one who must retrieve it from the hands of evil!

    There's a little demo available on - yeah I decided to take a part in that contest too(stark poverty bothers me much) so if you like it feel free to vote 5 for me!

    The game is being constantly updated, if you find some bugs or have suggestions, don't hesitate to tell me, any critics are highly appreciated! Hope to post video soon! Cheers!

    Next goes promo video!

  • Thanks Newt! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • Dropbox please, all links are broken!

  • Damn it looks awesome!!! Wish I could make smth original like that!!!

  • Hmmm maybe I'll find someone... I've reinstalled most components that are related to Windows including DX9(latest build now).

  • I've also tested some behaviours and plugins today - platform movement and plasma give the same error.

    EDIT: new renderer? Devs were talking about that once.

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  • If I understand you right - Nope Liam, I didn't do it. That kind of knowledge is far beyond my reach - I'm just a flash game developer, web designer, musician and sound producer so I suspect that's not possible.

    Btw do you know how to do that? If yes, that'll clear up my doubts.

  • I wander if there is a way you can get a hold of the source version and run it in a debug mode and see why you get the error, if that is possible?

    Man, if you're telling that to me, I've already done it and posted a screenshot right there ?.

  • Not never, since 994, I'm still using 989(it's very cool but lacks some features like smooth bone behaviour or multiplying boned objects , etc) . My pc isn't too old, Athlon XP 2500+, 2Ghz, 1Gb RAM, GeForce 6600 - Minimum system requirements for today. Most games work more than well(even tested DX9 powered audio recording program Cantabile and 3DMark5(6 and further are too heavy for my pc)), I have problems only with latest Construct builds and games.

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