On screen I have: Option 1, option 2, option 3, options 4, option 5. (text objects)
When you touch option 1, I want it to have opacity 100 and the others opacity 30.
I also added square sprites on top of each text object, so that the user has more space to touch the option.
Option texts are put in family OptionsTextFamily.
Square touch sprites have been put in family OptionsTouchFamily.
What would be the efficient/elegant way?
The not elegant way is:
On touch TouchSprite1 --> set options1Text opacity to 100
set options2Text opacity too 30
set options3Text opacity too 30
set options4Text opacity too 30
set options5Text opacity too 30
On touch TouchSprite2 --> set options1Text opacity to 30
set options2Text opacity too 100
set options3Text opacity too 30
... and so on.