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    If there was a possibility of exporting a capx to Classic, there would be no problem and all problems would cease to exist.

    oh yeah, forgot to respond to this. classic already exists, and it has the exact same type of event system as c2, it would make no sense to do this. C2 is a vastly superior, albeit less complete(at this time) product. just messing around in the ide, everything works much more smoothly, and c2 improves on everything that was wrong with CC. Things like the file format, ide responsiveness, and ide stability, and greater extendability.

    However, from your statement, and many others like it, I think Construct Classic's brokenness is hugely overestimated in the C2 community(the part that doesn't also use CC). Obviously it had enough problems at it's core that Ashley thought it better to begin anew, rather than continue to iterate a flawed codebase. This is something to keep in mind, because it does have it's quirks, and bugs. Transitions don't work well(not sure if C2 has transitions), so you don't use transitions. Sometimes the IDE starts up with a blank layout, and you have to doubleclick your event sheet in the properties pane to bring it back into view before you begin. You have to save frequently, because the IDE is known to crash now and then.

    However, that being said, it's not so broken it's unusable, and the runtime(which is what really matters in the end) is stable. You can make games with it, that work on everyone's PC, run ridiculously fast(seriously, it's fast), and look as good as is possible in 2d on a pc.   I personally have some plans for webbased projects in the future, and Construct Classic, even in it's quirky state gives me enough confidence in Scirra that I have no doubt c2 is the best way to make web games(and eventually - any games). But right now, I'm working on projects that require that exe speed, so I use construct classic.

    The skills for both are interchangeable, and we're one big happy community, I really don't see why the "when will there be an exe?" crowd don't just buy the C2 license now, so they have it when they need it, and to support scirra since Construct Classic is free, and use CC in the meantime.

  • HTML5 needs... gaming, game-pad support ( I have already seen this, but this just started ), much better full screen ( also know this is being worked on )

    it sounds like most of the problems you have are indeed being worked on, and this is just what you've heard of. you're not the only one who thinks the platform is incomplete. html5 isn't even done yet. I would say everything's moving amazingly quickly, as everything always does in the computer world. I mean, I didn't even hear about webgl until fairly recently, and now it's already supported on the chrome beta for android. adobe abandoned flash because of html5 and js(there are flash games on steam). There are plenty of big players who are looking to make it faster, better, etc.

    as far as very old machines? even construct classic requires dx9, and though there were a few people complaining about that, almost anyone can run a construct classic game. the best supporters of older machines in the industry as far as AAA titles go I'd say would be valve. and you'll notice some of their newer games, like portal 2 and left for dead 2(which was released a little over 2 years ago) don't run on older machines, at least not at any playable framerate. valve is known for their games having reasonable system requirements.

    ow long does this seem it's going to take?

    I don't think any of us know, probably a little while. my own personal pessimistic prediction is that within two years, some combination of these web technologies will be comparable to flash speeds, but I think 1 year is closer to the mark. also, I can't speak for scirra, but I'd think within 5 years, work on the next exporter would be begun, or the edk, or the web platform will be approaching the needed maturity.   if you need exe's support now, honestly, use construct classic. It's got your working audio, game pad support, full screen, exe, etc. especially if you're planning to develop a game so quickly that you're concerned about waiting a year.   it's already been stated that native exporters and/or the edk are in the cards. C2, js, and html5 are being worked on hard by people that are probably much more diligent than ourselves. it's not going to arrive faster by being upset it's not here yet. Honestly, cc is probably your best bet, or if you want to sacrifice alot of ease of use for more crossplatform compatibility, Unity is your best bet.

  • theres a few reasons why this happens, none of them make sense, so I won't list them right now. suffice it to say, this will happen sometimes.

    the solution is simple though, in the project bar(on your screenshot, it's on the bottom right), expand the application 1, then double click the event sheet, and the layout. usually the first one you double click will restore sanity

  • I guess I see about the busy-ness.

    but I also see how it can be very effective, it's like you see a normal page, and realize you can scroll down a little, so you do(it's almost involuntary) and then you keep finding large very informative stuff, so you're all like "whoa, physics?", "facebook", "wow!", etc

  • noticed the first one by accident searching for actual search reasons, tried a few other things, but I think these two are great for scirra exposure, just wanted to share. some great exposure imho

    google search: exe wrapper for html5

    google search: what's the easiest game maker

  • there's this other version of construct in development, not quite as stable, but more fully featured, and exports to exe. it's called construct classic. you can learn more about it here, and download the latest version here.

    while a desktop exporter of some kind is most likely in the cards for c2, and would be supremely awesome given c2's ide stability, it would probably be premature to begin on one now, and slow down c2 development before it's even fully featured.

    at the current time construct classic has more plugins, can use pixel shaders, and can have 1000's of objects on screen with no slowdown. it uses dx9 hardware accelerated graphics, and runs natively on windows, and is fully open source, so you can add any missing features you like. you can probably download it and get your game up and running in less time than it takes to beat a dead horse.

  • kayin, Metal_X,@davioware, and anyone else with crashing caps on layout switches.   thanks to R0J0hound in the other recent crash thread, I now know that an OR condition during a transition can cause crashes. I've done a little forum searching, and apparently xaudio playing during a layout change causes crashes, and having the No Serialize attribute sometimes alleviates crashes. If anyone who has a crashing cap can try removing any of those conditions(conditions meaning circumstances, not construct conditions) see if it fixes it, or if anyone else remembers any little nuggets about what types of things cause or fix these crashes, when I have more time I'll look into it.

    Another question that might help narrow things down if someone has noticed, when it crashes with a transition, does it crash right when the transition should begin? or after it's complete?

  • what danny said. Also wanted to add, I doubt html5 is a passing fad. html is the basis for everything on the web, and has been since the beginning. I don't see any browsers (mobile or desktop) reverting back to not supporting the latest version of html, but I do however see several different browsers all competing in this new arena for speed, where there's plenty of room for improvement.

    also, the detailed answer to your question is here.

    edit: I agree with trevor10. I don't see it being possible to create in the near future, but I do hope the edk arrives before the next exporter. it's something I would definitely be interested in trying my hand at. We could even create open source community exporter projects, recruiting several forum members to work on different parts of an exporter

  • yes,

    here's a little more info on it. The quote at the bottom has the more basic info.

    the short answer is yes, int the final version you'll be able to export your animation to sequential pngs, but it's made for a more powerful purpose. in a nutshell it will allow you to create an animated character from a collection of images, and at runtime construct classic(and eventually construct 2) will be able to load your characters, and arrange the multiple images in realtime, saving immense amounts of vram. This makes it possible to create larger, much more smoothly animated characters than traditional sprites, while at the same time using less gfx card power.

    it has a number of other useful features, like character maps, that allow you to add custom items like shields and armor, and control their visibility at runtime, while these alternate costumes and such, won't require you to reanimate your character. Sound effects that can be controlled by your animation, pinpointing exactly which frame a sounds should play, and animatable actionpoints, which are like imagepoints in regular sprites, and an unlimited amount of hitboxes on a perframe basis, for things like fighting and action games, where you want to know not only that a collision took place, but also where on the character a collision took place. Also animatable variables that change based on where in an animation you are, or what animation you're on, etc.

    longer term plans include freely deformable images, 2d bone skinning(some old proof of concept/prototype vids here) like ubi-art framework. Also procedural animation to allow dynamic animation to be generated on the fly, which when combined with the freely deforming sprites, will allow you to have dynamic characters, where each one looks and behaves differently than every other character, and characters who animate differently based on whatever variables you like, such as emotion, or fatigue.

    There's lots more to it, but I'm off to code some more! the next update is long overdue, and I'm working very hard to release it as soon as possible

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  • Thanks.

    But i think,you forgot something...

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I guess at one point there was going to be a text object added, but the unusable 'A' button is an old feature present on previous versions.

    If I install this over r1.2 it will work correct right?...


  • no problem, and if you can reproduce the error on a smaller cap, that would be very helpful.

  • np

    hmm, it still doesn't get an error for me, when I paste a panel from a family. if it's a crash on some pc's, I'd like to fix it at some point. if you get a chance, redownload the link, it pastes the family now. see if that gives you the error. thanks!

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