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  • link is 404'd for me. I can't download

    i like it

    Soccer rulez !! :Djust a note, not sure if this is a soccer or football game, but I saw the CAPS - Shift post, so I thought I'd point it out.

    though most countries call what americans call "soccer", "football", and what americans call "football", they call "american football", most americans don't know this, and I'm not sure what they call it in other english speaking places like UK or Australia. so, not sure who the primary intended english audience will be, but just a heads up, in case it's relevant :)

  • i think programming is accurate, but coding is not. though coding is programming, not all programming is coding, in the same way all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. coding is the process of writing code. i definitely see how eventing is a form of programming, but it's most certainly not a form coding.

  • thanks tulamide. apparently there is more than one problem with the layout changing then. Because there are still crashes without transitions on certain caps.

  • can you tell me which event numbers are actually involved in moving the units, please? I ran it once, and switched back and forth like 20 times moving the guy each time and nothing. Every time I've ran it since, it crashes as you said it would

  • this happens even on a blank cap?

    this cap works fine for me:


  • actually all crashes are bugs, but yeah, doesn't help us solve the layout thing.

  • k just an update for anyone who was trying that stuff. none of my theories were right. keep me up to date if you can figure out what conditions cause crashes

  • not crashing for me rook, could you dropbox the two projects?

  • conditioning already has a few different meanings, one dealing with learning algorithms, another dealing with hair care.

  • Im not at home to test, and busy with crunchtime on another project at the moment, but you reminded me Metal_X someone else mentioned that in another thread. I have a theory, and there's an easy way to test it. Its a shot in the dark, but if someone has a moment to try, it'd be helpful

    Make two layouts, and on each layout have only one object, and have the object doing something in an 'always' condition.   They should be two different object types, and they should each be doing something the other object cannot do, like one be a canvas object clearing the canvas, and the other a text object setting text, for instance. If im right it should crash everytime you change layouts with a transition. If this doesn't work, I have a second theory, for this one add more objects to one layout than the other, and use the objects you added last to be doing those 'always' actions...

    I uave one more idea, but ill have to look at the actual code to choose which two actions to make the objects do to crash it.

  • I've always called it eventing, maybe even constructing

    visual programming could easily be confused with stuff like visual basic, and even sometimes using c++ with windows forms and/or mfc appwizard.

    but there's definitely people who call it programming and I've heard coding as well, though I would consider both of those a bit of a misnomer

    maybe visual scripting?

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  • just found out about this

    completely unbelievable

    as an american, I'm pissed; if I were british, I'd be really pissed.

    I'm a little late hearing about this - but a British citizen, Richard O?Dwyer, is being extradited to the US for copyright infringement. Apparently, it isn't even illegal in the UK, at least not the way he did it.

    short response from president Barack Obama, and general overview by BBC

    interview with mother on

    This whole thing is getting so far out of hand, it's ridiculous. The US "Justice" Dept is trying to enforce US law worldwide. Once again, this agreement to be able to extradite on a whim is based on 9/11 and terror, and now they're just using it as a means of control. It's very aggravating that only the powerhungry seem to rise to power. I suppose it's a an obvious correlation, but still inconvenient for the rest of us humans just trying to live our lives.

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