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  • hey rmkspace, sorry you're having trouble.

    I lost the source code to this years ago. somewhere on the forums, however, the user Minor made a tutorial on how to use this without any problems. he says he's used it in several games with no problems at all:

    I was very new to programming when I made this and I was always getting bug reports like this, losing source code, etc. unfortunately I can't really offer any help beyond linking to Minor's tut, but I do offer my sympathies and apologies for my aforementioned newbishness.

  • angle(prevx,prevy,x,y)

  • well, just as a proof of concept I made a superlimited eventsheet xml to ConstructClassic plugin c++ code converter.

    It's too limited to be useful, but I did it in about 3 hours, part of which was making an xml reader from TinyXML++ library. It's completely plausible that someone could write a more complete one to convert limited caps with a greater number of ACE entries, that can include the needed objects, etc for any given target platform.

    for this example, we're assuming I've written code to include the objects, and they are stored in here:

    map<CString,CRunObject*> objs;

    this method would only store one of each type, but that's due to me rushing not to any limit of the parsing technique.

    so, the only supported ACE as of now are:


    --Every Tick:


    --Set Position

    --Set Angle

    as an example, I took the eventsheet from this file here:

    and it creates the following c++ cc plugin code:




















    you'll notice it skipped the start of layout, which also proves it is reading and interpreting the conditions.

    As I stated previously, with a little time, someone could make a barebones runtime, with system conditions, and sprite objects, and text objects. An android or iphone native runtime with even those limited features would be a godsend with c2's awesomeness. if it was developed correctly, it could be extended by community members, by having all objects derived from a base type. It's a perfectly viable alternative to waiting for an EDK for anyone who wants to do something like this.

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  • spriter will eventually have a c2 plugin, and it allows multiple nameable collision boxes that can be animated along with the character, and can be checked either generally, or by name

  • > but eventually konami is going to realize you're taking credit for all their unreleased SNES titles


    > to tokinsom, and colonel justice, are these planned as commercial releases?

    lol I guess I asked for that one.

    oh no way, I didn't mean it as a lack of originality, just the quality level of your stuff is like a tripleA snes title, consistently

  • ...

    super pro and awesome as usual, but eventually konami is going to realize you're taking credit for all their unreleased SNES titles lord that's awesome. does it really run at 60fps? looks and sounds fantastic

    to tokinsom, and colonel justice, are these planned as commercial releases?

  • i agree also it'd be useful to have some type of behavior system, too. also more dimensions for more data about each thing, etc

    I wanted to make it as basic as possible, so people have a bare bones example they can build off of, and learn from, without any extra frills making it harder to see how it works.

  • just wanted to drop in with a status update.

    going by the current state of the software, and the speed things are working, this next version will be the last major update before 1.0. This will also mark the upgrade from alpha to beta status, and should be feature complete. From there it be correcting any bugs, or taking small requests to enhance the ui.

    I'm going to be adding a number of features over the next week, and then I'll try to give you a better time estimate than "soon".

    thanks for your patience!

  • also 1st link uses most of the same info from 2nd link, which is about 8 months old.

    I doubt nothing has changed since May last year

  • yeah, I only got a chance to turn it on for a minute to get a basic peek, not really enough to comment on gameplay.

    but as far as initial presentation, my critz are I don't like the weird nonwindowlike window in the center of my screen I can't drag around or hit maximize, or hit Esc - then choose go to full screen. and the pointer that stays visible, but doesn't seem to serve a function. and the game over screen that lasts a few seconds, but you can't skip.

    it does look cool though, the mix of retro and effects is interesting

  • bought my copy!

    I've seen how much polish you put on your regular hobby type caps and minigames, can't wait to see what you do for a commercial title. I'm not going to be able to play until later tonight though. have to finish up my commercial project, as well.

  • that's possible, but I suspect the native c2 xml would be the most simple, rather than exporting first to html5, given that xml is made to be a markup language that focuses solely on documents and arbitrary data structures, and in the c2 caps that's how it looks, just the information you'd need for a runtime to interpret, and a little info about the editor settings, whereas the html5 will have alot of implementation specific commands to contend with.

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