On click, text set text to getText&mouse.x&","&mouse.y&"|"
Course its a little different for the actual import.
Start of layout
->for n = 0 to getToken(string).count-2
-->system create object at int(tokenat(tokenat(string, loopindex("n"), "|"), 0, ","))
int(tokenat(tokenat(string, loopindex("n"), "|"), 1, ","))
And you add a loop for each sting..., or add another token to define a different object type, but you would have to do a for loop on a family.
I'll probably be using this method now since FF broke Rojo's canvas plug.
... end rant.
Any way its usable in both CC, and C2. In CC you can paste it as a variable, etc, or import as text. For C2 copy paste is the more obvious method, but you can import using jscript.