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  • please report all bugs jayderyu (unless it's already been reported and noted)

    I'm looking into this now I'll post back when I figure something out. Also if you can email me : with zips or rars of your Spriter scml(along with the images). So far, I don't think I'll need that to troubleshoot, but if I do end up needing it, you won't have to wait for me to post, and ask, etc.

    Thanks for the bug report yaomon

  • lucid

    can you provide a capx of the monster example? I want to buy Spriter but am not sure how to achieve the live example you provided.

    siki - just download the monster example and plugin from the first post in this thread.

    drag the .scml file into a c2 layout, and preview. The monster should be fully imported and immediately playing the default animation when the preview loads

    yaomon17 - didn't see the other post, will respond there now

  • my animation looping doesn't work anymore, with the last two updates & the latest C2 (HTML5). works with the version I got on 2/13/2013

    wookalar if you could please send me an example file with nonworking looping(both the construct project and the scml itself), I'll see what I can find

    So I preordered anyway, and no it doesn't work with CocoonJS. CocoonJS doesn't support a DOMParser object.

    ludei any chance that DOMParser is on the agenda so the Spriter and XML plugins will work on CocoonJS?

    thehen. thanks for the preorder. I talked to Ashley about it, and indeed up to ludei to fix it. There's really no way around it.

  • thanks for the bug report yaomon17. Will get to it as soon as I can. Apparently, it doesn't work for the starting animation, unless you manually add an action to start an animation by name.

    so, if the starting animation by default is "idle"

    -on "idle" finished

    unless you actually add the 'set animation to "idle"' action. let me know if that works for you, and I'll put a fix so it works with the default starting animation soon.

  • also of note is that the plugin uses individual sprite objects so you can do things to individual parts like apply properties or effects

    and yes, I was already planning the IK thing

  • found a problem loading bones that won't be fixed until the next version of Spriter releases. Working hard to make that as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience/false start

  • definitely interested in ouya/c2 development

  • update 2/15:   fixed a bug introduced with bone support that positioned unboned sprites incorrectly when scale ratio was changed from 1.0

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  • plauk, if you verify the named-ness of all the objects, and it still doesn't work, please send me the project at, and I'll take a look.

    Also, note, all objects on all animations must be named. If you want an object to use the same c2 sprite object across animations, give it the same name in all animations.

    Once again, when the next version of Spriter releases this will all be automated, and you'll only have to change names if you don't want the default name, or if you want to avoid using the same c2 object across animations for some reason

  • update 2/14:

      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle" />fixed an issue where nonlooping boned animations exhibited strange behavior after animation completed. <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle" />fixed an issue where sprites that weren't being used by the initial animation would remain visible until the animation was changed.
  • Hi all. Yes it still requires objects to be named, which will be automatic in the next version of Spriter. Also, I can confirm the new plugin/c2 does load boned animations.

    As far as reimporting, that's something Ashley has to take care of C2-side. I'll try to get in touch with him and see what the plans are for that, but it's an issue we've discussed in the past.

    I can't speak for this version of plugin. I do know that the last version even if you did name all the objects there was no garuntee it would import properly..

    Unless you mean bones specifically (in previous versions), please let me know if any projects are importing incorrectly, because I wasn't aware of any issues like that

  • not maintaining this anymore, and don't have immediate access to the source code even if I had the time, but I updated the download mirror above for anyone who wants to use this despite the disclaimer

    <font size="1">edit: whoa, how'd you do that?</font>

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