lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Repost from Spriter forums, but I have a soft spot for awesome Kickstarters, so I want to help these out. Please spread the word and/or pledge if you'd like to see them come to light. Feel free to add other Kickstarters in replies.

    Buddy & Me by Sunbreak Games

    Awesomely animated game that looks like a true labor of love

    'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist' Kickstarter Campaign by Joey Ansah

    Experienced action star and director wants to create a proper live action street fighter series

    Dream Swim by Cat Nigiri

    Fun looking psychedelic fish game featuring Spriter animations. (Also have a soft spot for 2d game prototypes that use primary shapes)

  • Hi mineet.

    Since C2 has direct Scml support, you can playback the animations in c2 the way they play in Spriter instead of frame by frame. Make sure you're using the the new beta version of Spriter, and just drop the scml file(your animation save file) into c2, and it will automatically import everything

  • zsangerous, sounds like you're describing bugs. We're working on a few timeline bugs. When I fix those bugs over the new few days, you should be able to ignore the extra keyframes per timeline, and just use the diamonds in the same way as the previous Spriter, but if you choose, the extra timelines give you more flexibility.   Also, we'll have some tutorials soon. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Congratulations!

  • My mistake. To use those daily updates, you must first have the latest beta release installed.

  • <font color="red"><font size="3">update 3/29/13:

      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Bones now work with the latest version of Spriter beta <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed a bug where boned .scml animations weren't flipping properly through scale ratio action


    Just tested it in my project. Flipping seems to work correctly now (or at least, the parts are lining up properly) but it's also introduced a new issue. When I actually scale my boned project each of the parts seems to scale 'twice.' For example, if I set my scaling to 0.2 the entire sprite and all the parts are scaled down to 0.2, and then the parts are scaled once again to 0.2 (making them 4% the original size.) This seems to happen even if the parts are not flipped.

    Thank you. Fixed

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  • thanks for the bug reports squidget

    And everyone else, fixed that flip/mirror bug. Turns out it was only happening to projects with bones, and I kept testing with a non-boned project. Lesson learned:

    <font color="red"><font size="3">update 3/29/13:

      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Bones now work with the latest version of Spriter beta <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed a bug where boned .scml animations weren't flipping properly through scale ratio action


  • hi zsangerous. We will get automatic updates in there at some point. I know checking forums isn't the most convenient thing, just necessary for the moment. Also, please elaborate on why it's much harder to use. There wasn't any vast overhaul to the featureset, and definitely that isn't what I'd consider a small complaint. Useability is THE most important thing. So, yes we will have tutorials (including video tutorials), but I'm still interested in what makes it harder to use than the previous version. And thanks for the input

  • The latest version of Spriter beta fixed c-7's problem. Please see if it fixes anyone elses issues as well:

    download here

    This thread at BrashMonkey forums has up to the minute bug fixes for in between builds until we drop the 'pre' from 'pre-beta'.

    With this latest version, anyone experience glitchy playback in c2 please load and resave with this, and let me know if it fixes the issue

  • Ok everyone. I will look into all these issues. On, first posts usually take a day for your first post, as all have to be approved manually (only thing that worked against the spam onslaught).

    Thanks everyone for the bug reports and sample files to help reproduce them.

  • lucid thanks for the updates man! Great new features! I won't get a chance to download for a couple days most likely, but wanted to ask if the memory leak has been fixed? In Alpha 4a if I left an animation running on the stage in Spriter it would steadily increase the amount of memory used, my guess is each frame was staying resident in memory...

    There should be no memory leaks in this version, and recently we tested for leaks specifically. Also, in general this version is much more efficient with RAM.

    The good news is that I'm able to import most boned projects now. Yay!

    I don't get the crash I did in the previous spriter version, but with one of my spriter files I simply get no actual sprite objects imported. The spriter file imports and creates the events and a folder/family for its sprite objects, but the sprite objects themselves don't appear, which means the animation won't run. The files are named in spriter and they're all in the same folder as the .scml file I'm importing.

    Edit: More testing. Creating a new project with bones seems to work, but importing one project I created in the previous version of spriter seems to get the above behavior, even if I open and save it with the new version. Some of my old projects import fine, but one still doesn't. Very strange.

    Another question - is there a way to mirror sprites in this version? I can flip and mirror them by setting the width to a negative value, but that mirrors them on the Y axis as well.

    Hi Squidget, please send me the file in question at, and I'll see what I can find. For the mirroring, I'm assuming you mean in the plugin, and not the editor.   In the plugin the 'set scale' action has options for mirroring and flipping.

    Thanks guys. Good to be back.

  • I'll take a look nemo.

    Also, new version of Spriter is out, that saves boned animations that work with c2

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