lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi guys. I'm still listening and watching the bug reports and feature suggestions. Working on the C2 edittime display of Spriter characters, and some other enhancements, which I will forward to Ashley. Just had to get that update out of the way. Thanks for your patience.

  • In C2, thanks. Once all of the IK stuff is in, could I, say, point the sword towards the coordinates of the mouse, and have the rest of the bones react properly? Or have enemy wizards aim their magic wands at the player before firing? That would be really useful.

    Also, do you have an estimated timeline for the release of new features?

    yes to the ik thing, and no for the release of new features, though a new version of the program will be out tomorrow, and soon I will be forwarding Ashley the info needed to make Spriter files show up in the editor properly, instead of a clump.

    The plugin does look interesting but personaly id preffer if it would import all the sprite parts in its position and not centered in one spot...

    What other advantage does this plugin has aside of creating customizable bodyparts? Is it better for size and performance than whole animated sprites?

    Did I miss something or changing the animation poses in construct2 is not yet available?It is better in size and performance. You can create larger characters that animate more smoothly, and also take up less vram. After they're imported, you use the scml object much like the sprite object to change position,animation,playback speed, etc.

  • Hi,

    I'm having a problem after, I import the scml file it works beautifully but if I add a frame to a body part it "jumps" away on that new frame like the pivot point is not positioned correctly.

    Is there something I can do or can this be fixed?

    yetanothersuperhero, if possible please send me the capx file, and the zipped scml project folder

    Could you add some bones to the example scml? (the monster)

    We'll have boned examples soon.

    lso, how can I have it so that, say, the player's sword points at the mouse, and all of the other bones react as expected?

    you mean in the editor, or in c2?

    lso, if an SCML is adjusted, will it automatically be updated the next time C2 loads, or will it have to be dragged in again? If you need to drag a new scml in each time, how will that affect events? (Since each event is tied to a specific scml object when you drag it into C2, correct?)This is something we still have to work out. There is no way to reimport or refresh the scml yet, but it's a planned feature.

  • lucid, There seems to be an error for spriter objects that are not on the original layout. It might be related to a family problem for not having the Spriter Object and collection of associated mcohakingup said, please make sure the scml file property is correctly set on this alternate layout. The latest version of c2 should do this automatically, but please check anyway.


    > > lucid, Request please. I/We? would like the option to Hide/Show the entire sprite. Since I use a Spriter object for player widgets. I would like the ability to hide and show as required. I couldn't it in the plugin option for actions :(es, that sounds pretty easy. If it's not in the next update, please remind me again.if it's possible, can you also add the option to enable/disable collision for the entire sprite as well? it would make everything much easier :)yes, this should be easy as well.

    everyone, the next few days will be slow for plugin updates, as I'm wrapping up a release for Spriter itself. Thank you for your patience.

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  • lucid

    Hey Lucid. I have a feature I would like to be implemented if possible.

    Editing from C2. When in C2 I can double click the file which opens the SCML file. However, the images are in a different location. Anyway that you Ashley and you could maybe get some way to get Spriter to work with the files in C2?

    That seems like it'd be pretty difficult at this point. Maybe some point in the far far future.   Being able to reimport will most likely come much sooner.

    lucid Clearing Chrome's cache worked perfectly. Not sure what the problem was, but that fixed it.

    Still having the problem with the image files not loading with the scml file. Just so I'm clear on installation of the plugin (and I'm really sorry if you've covered this some place else):

    You download the zip file called "scml".

    Then, you extract the folder "scml" into the "plugins" folder inside Construct 2's install directory.

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't wait to start working in Spriter. I've been brushing up on skeletal animation all week.

    Hi sman118, if the scml plugin is in your list of available plugins, then you most likely did it correctly. Does any popup show up when you drag in the scml?

    Lucid :

    Thanks, it works, and it's great !

    Do you think you can make one day Spriter compatible with Ejecta ? As long as CocoonJS doesn't move on that point, it would be nice to be able to use Spriter with Ejecta :)

    Haven't had a chance yet to look at Ejecta, or why Spriter's not working with it. When I have some time, I'll report back what I find.


    Request please. I/We? would like the option to Hide/Show the entire sprite. Since I use a Spriter object for player widgets. I would like the ability to hide and show as required. I couldn't it in the plugin option for actions :(

    Yes, that sounds pretty easy. If it's not in the next update, please remind me again.

    Sorry. New here, just implemented Spriter into my app.

    I get this error on Windows 8 Project Runtime: (I can compile fine)

    Unhandled exception at line 16067, column 3 in ms-appx://d3e7a9e4-167a-4441-9c70-00626828921e/c2runtime.js

    0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'getElementsByTagName' of undefined or null reference

    If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.

    I will have to take a look at the win8 runtime, and see what I can find. Not sure if Jayderu's solution will help.

    jayderyu, not sure I fully followed that, so is that a problem with the plugin getting errors in c2?

  • hey sman118, I just downloaded the file directly from the site, and unzipped it. Make sure you're leaving the file in the directory (c2 and Spriter use the scml to find the images in the folder structure). It worked fine for me. Also I just retested the example (I assume you mean the one linked in the original post), on Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. My only guess as long as you left the file in the folder, is that your browser cache might have kept the previous download.

  • hi ,

    That was an oversight on our part. C2 uses some extra info in newer versions of Spriter, and the one on our site was from an older version. If you redownload it, it will work fine.

    sorry about that.


    1. Are there any video tutorials for using the C2 Spriter plugin on a basic game?

    Not yet. There will be more videos coming soon, though.

    2. Is there a way for me to duplicate the sprites (say, create 5 enemies on screen) using the same set of sprite images?

    as mochakingup said. You would just copy and paste a new instance of the scml plugin object.

    3. Destroying and Spawning

    Given that Spriter objects are complex and have multiple components in C2, how would one spawn and destroy spriter sprites? (And manage those spawning and destroying) For example, knowing which is enemy1, enemy2, player1, player2, how would I access those?

    mochakingup was right about this as well. The scml object and all the sprites are in families and groups together. Destroying or creating one destroy/creates all the rest. Also, because they are in a group, if you do something like:

    On Collision with SpriterGuy_HandSprite(sprite for hand)

    ----set SpriterGuy(scml plugin) Position to mouse.x, mouse.y

    it will automatically do what you'd want and only affect the scml plugin that the sprite is being controlled by.

    4. Information sources

    Where would one learn more about using Spriter with Construct2? (Besides the videos) I would really appreciate some help on this.

    There will be more. We're still finishing the program itself, which will add additional features to the plugin, but we will be making more learning resources on the way to 1.0.

    In the meantime, it's made to be as similar to a sprite as possible. Most of what you would do with a sprite, you do in a very similar way in the scml plugin. The main difference is that the plugin doesn't have it's own collision box (yet), so you would use a detector sprite for collisions.

  • hi Joannesalfa, it should work. Just make sure you're applying the behavior to the scml object itself:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I really don't know how to use this plugin. I'm an artist not a programmer! lol, but actually I am a total noob at construct. I don't really understand how to make the "Example_001" become a condition in Construct, or what to do from that point. I have installed the plugin as I can add an "Scml" object but honestly I have no idea what to do from here. I haven't ever used plugins here before. How do I get the example INTO construct 2?

    Hi Bugeaud, we'll have further tutorials describing the plugin in more detail in the future, but in the meantime, most of the events and conditions are self explanatory once you import:


    Hi lucid,

    I've been using Spriter for my first project

    it is a great tool for animating!

    I have a question about entity,

    can you give me example on what it could be used for?

    and are all the textures of different entities loaded at once on memory

    or just the one entity that active?

    Thank you. When you make a single character in Spriter, that character is an entity. If for some reason you want all of your Spriter characters to use a single object, and just change the character with events you can do that. Some people like to have all sprites combined in one character either to simplify object management, or they've built themselves some type of level editor that depends on this. Another possibility is there could be generic platform or enemy ai, and they want to be able to apply it to some completely different characters. It will also work to have a separate scml file and sprite object for each character, whichever you prefer.   Also, yes it will load all the assets for every entity in the file when you import.



      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Fixed a bug where plugin wasn't using default pivot point data from the scml file
  • Vsquared Squidget

    Hey guys. Thanks for the bug report. Please see if this fixes it. Also realized with Squidget's cap that setting the starting entity property was a requirement, which was also a bug. It should now default to the first entity of the file (at runtime) if you leave that blank.

  • Hi again, everyone

    I'm having trouble calling an animation that is in a different entity. So lets say i have a few sprites in the first entity i call "basic" and another entity that is called "weapon" how do i call those animations in weapon, in construct2? I know i'm using the right name because as soon as it tries to initiate, it goes blank

    Sorry Vsquared, thought I had responded to your post. Those options are added in this latest version


      <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Added 'Set Entity' action. Allows you to set the new current entity(character) by name, and a starting animation. If you leave the animation name blank, it will attempt to find an animation of the same name as the old entity's current animation <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Added 'entityName' expression to get the name of the current entity <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle">Added starting entity and starting animation edittime properties. These let you choose a starting entity and animation per instance without having to use actions to set these.

    also, we have some new Spriter program overview videos for anyone still learning the program:

    b2 overview video


    CocoonJS needs to add XML Parsing for SPriter to work with it. Supposedly they are talking with Ludei about it...

    We aren't in talks with Ludei. The ball is in their court for now. The last I heard of it, was in this thread on 2/28/2013:

    thehen In the last release we added internal support for XML parsing, but it's not yet exposed in JS. So, it's getting closer! Hopefully we'll find the time to add full XML parsing support for the next release. edited><editid>lucid</editid><editdate>2013-05-10 22:28:26</editdate></edited>

  • hi Joannesalfa,

    please make sure you're using the email you purchased with, and if you're still not receiving a key email us at and we will sort it out. Thanks.

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