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  • Hi agni. The 'Set Scale' action should handle that handily, unless I'm misunderstanding

  • This software's brilliant! ...

    I just tried it, and there's a big space beneath my character...hank you very much. For now, the big space problem is known about but difficult to deal with in c2 without a separate dummy sprite(there are most likely several tutorials using dummy sprites in the tutorials section). An upcoming version of Spriter will let you set collision rectangles which will of course be utilized in the c2 plugin for the main character as well as individual collision checks for any extra boxes you add and animate

    So am I to understand we'll eventually be able to tween whole animations? That would be! for now I'll confirm that transition blends between animations are planned for 1.0, and tease that blending between animations is only a tiny hint of what's to come in that area. Anyone who followed my CC experiments from times long past may have a clue where this is going.


    Yes, i did. But it's not working :(

    It tells me that a scml file was dropped but the brushmonkey appears to be missing T_T

    PS: thank you so much for your help :)!

    I'm actually pretty puzzled by your situation. At this point, the next step in troubleshooting is for you to zip your c2 folder itself, and send it to me at I don't have much more I can do from here, so I don't find anything obvious going on there, I'm requesting the communities help in troubleshooting your issue.

    And finally to everyone, just some general updates. As BluePhaze pointed out (thank you bluephaze :)), the new version is out. Not ETA just yet on when this will hit the C2 plugin - as it requires yet another importer code update by Ashley, who also has C2 itself to work on. Also, I have some overdue documentation to complete, but rest assured this feature will be supported by the plugin.

    Some great news is that you can see the beginnings of pose previewing in C2 in the latest version. There's a bug where the y of the pivot points is upside down, but Ashley assures me this is fixed in the next version. Even more exciting, he says he's beginning work on the reimport code as well. I'm not sure this will come in the next version of C2, but it sounds like it may. Very exciting times!

  • Hello guys,

    when I try to drag and drop a scml file in my project, my construct2 tells me the plugin is missing. I have tried to download and reinstall the plugin several times, but nothing changed.

    I use construct2 release 137 and Spriter b3.

    Any suggestion? Thank you guys!


    You're installing the plugin by unzipping it so that the common, edittime, and runtime js files are in: 'Construct2/exporters/html5/plugins/scml' ?

    This error message appears for one of my Spriter animations but not the other one.

    Link to both the scml s and the capx

    hi yaomon17, if you can figure out exactly which actions caused those ghost objects in your project like "name1" and "object_003" I can better fix the issue, but in the meantime:

    copy this:

    over the player.scml in the Files directory of your c2 project folder, and that should fix the problem.

    Thanks for the bug reports everyone.

  • how high are we talking about? I'm getting slightly higher percentages than with chrome, but nothing significant

  • I'll look into the IE issue guys.

    Thank you very much JKID

    Once the plugin is caught up to the current feature set and this next version of Spriter releases, this will be coming to C2 for use at gametime:


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  • UberLou

    Looks awesome.

  • I have a problem trying to integrate a spriter animation.

    I always get the "getelementsbytagname" error pop-up.

    When I click continue, the animation is playing correctly, but this pop up error is quite annoying.

    when I try to play with my Ipad browser, the loading bar is stuck.

    hi gorgonzola3000, can you please send the zipped scml project folder, so I can reproduce and fix the error to

    Does Spriter works with graphic tablets ?

    We've had several users state they're using tablets with no problems, but there were some issues with wacom mice (not the stylus). So for now, I don't want to guarantee it will work flawlessly, and I would recommend testing the free version and make sure it works for you.

  • not yet.   I'll update here when I hear back from Ashley. As far as the cocoonjs thing. It's a Spriter solution, but it is not mobile xml.

  • How about smooth transition between animations if it is't already possible somehow.

    This will be possible by Spriter 1.0, but is not possible yet.

    Updates on the other things:

    I've forwarded the info for edittime display features and a possible solution for reimporting projects to Ashley. He's working on the next C2 release before he has chance to look into and/or implement it, but we're one step closer on those things.

    Secondly, the cocoonjs thing. Again, I won't be able to work on this yet, but I did a simple test and I was able to verify that the solution will definitely work.

  • Hi everyone.

    Still working on this. Just wanted to update everyone on a different issue. I believe I've found a way to get around the ludei issue, and I'll update you on this as well, as I get closer to verifying it's a viable option. If so, the scml plugin should work with all the cocoonjs export options.

  • Hello everyone, as far as the folder replacement - Now that this version is out, I'm going to update the plugin and developer documentation over the next few days, then that will come in one of the next two versions. I can't give an exact estimate, but within a month from today is a safe bet.

    The reimporting a project thing I was holding off on mentioning, but since you asked directly; I have an idea to solve that and I need to flesh it out and present it to Ashley, so he can let me know if it will work C2 side. I'll update you as that progresses.

  • probably not bluephaze, as that would require a drastic change to c2 edittime. However, the collision box features Spriter will have soon will help out alot with that.

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