lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • We're looking into getting the main bundle fixed to equal the same price, but in the meantime, we added this bundle ( ... bundle-154), which is equivalent to the Platformer Art Pack bundle on our site.

  • Thanks for pointing this out. We will look into fixing it, asap.

  • This does indeed look very good. We will be keeping an eye out, and see what we can do some time after Spriter 1.0's imminent release.

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  • May I ask if you have the capx for this? I can't for the life of me figure out how to use animation blend.

    Second animation blend (continually blending two animations depending on the mouse's x position)

    Blend when setting animation (blend to animation lasting 500 milliseconds upon left or right click)

  • 6bruno6 - try clearing the browser cache and downloading again. I just downloaded from the link to verify and it's 11/3.

  • lucid - Hi!, we can set an action for the opacity, but there is any event to compare opacity?


    plugin changelog 11/3/14

    • Added Opacity expression
  • plugin changelog 10/31/14

    • Fixed a bug changing the looping state of an animation in the same tick after setting the animation wouldn't work.
  • Spriter Early Adopter Sale ends November 11th!

    Buy Spriter for just $25 now!

    Information on Spriter B11 Release,

    Spriter 1.0's impending release, and what comes next

  • ffman22

    hi I need help to create this effect:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    in the minute 7:00 some one can help me to create this blending effect with the spriter plugin in construct 2


    Just to make sure I cover all the bases for anyone else reading the thread, if you just want to blend to transition from one animation to the next when you set an animation, just use the Set Animation command, and choose a blend for Where to start playing this as well as the amount of time to take for the blend in Blend Duration:

    If you want to continuously blend between two animations (not just a transition), and constantly set the blend ratio manually, use the actions under Advanced: Animation Blending :

    • Set second (blended) animation to start a continuous blend. (once)
    • Set animation blend ratio as often as you need
    • Stop blending second (blended) animation when you want to stop
  • hello Lunatrap,

    For future reference you can easily get my attention if you mention me (@lucid) the way gameop did (thanks), which gives me a notification, or post in the main Spriter thread. I don't browse the entire Scirra forum often, but I do check my notifications often.

    Please send me an email with the capx (and preferably also the zipped Spriter project folder (scml/scon file, and all images/subfolders)), with an explanation of how to get the bug to happen, and I'll get back to you asap.

  • when can the plugin support deformation?

    Elios is correct. We're on track to release Spriter 1.0 mid to late November. After 1.0's release, we'll start shaping deformation into a full feature (the current deformation in Spriter is just a proof of concept), and once it's ready it will be added to the plugin.

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