lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is v1.0 still dropping today?

    Yes, doing some last minute bug fixes for a couple of reports I got today.

  • Fantastic program brought last night and using in my next game. Animation is the one thing that puts me off of 2d games. Saying that i also dislike animating 3D with bones. This is the perfect mix of the uses of bones but for 2D and then making the animation process extremely easy. On top of that the integration into construct 2 really will change the games you'll see being made with construct 2. Also does anyone know how IK's are implemented, i'm only familiar with IK's in 3d and don't see how this will work for 2D.

    Thank you very much IK in Spriter itself is done by selecting one or more bones (in the same chain), and holding shift while changing the bones angle. If you have only one bone selected, it will do 2 bone IK with it's immediate parent. In the Pro version you can also right click on a bone to enable IK locking with it's parent which will hold the tip of the bone in place when you move the skeleton around, like keeping the feet on the ground and dragging down on the torso to make a character crouch, for instance.

    In the C2 plugin, there is not currently, but there soon will be the ability to do this in game.

  • Just a heads up everyone. The Scirra Store price has already gone up, but you can still purchase Spriter Pro at the $25 Early Adopter Sale Price directly from our site until midnight (EST) tonight(11/11).

    lucid It works on iPad Air

    Glad it's working.

  • I haven't personally looked into the program with any great depth, but I did point it out to my artist and it sounds like he's planning on buying (or already bought) it. Importing his work into my Construct project has been seamless enough, though.

    As someone on the Construct programming side who won't be touching the Spriter files much at all (unless I need to resave them in the right format or rename something...small tweaks), is there any advantage to purchasing a copy for myself? The free version has been fine for those tweaks I've mentioned thus far, but I'm not sure if there's like, any limitations with the free version (similar to Construct 2 Free files having 100 event limits which would keep a Free user from opening a file with more than 100 events made in the paid version) or if there's a more advanced Construct 2 plugin available with the Pro version.

    There are no specific limitations on the Essentials version, just less features. You won't be able to tweak many game-specific features like actions points, collision boxes, tags, variables, and events.

    I mostly make Isometric games. Can anyone tell if this will help me animate Isometric characters?

    Any Examples would be great.. This close to buy it!!!

    It depends on the art style. For instance, Spriter is used as the animation component in Don't Starve's mod kit:

    Don't Starve on Steam

    Highgrounds uses Spriter animations.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    . Play here.

    Referring to a more accurate and less stylized isometric style, Mike, a professional game artist, had this to say:

    Even pro game studios with big budgets to burn would never consider animating an Isometric game with purely hand drawn animation, The time and therefore budget required is unreasonable to say the least. I can say when we finally get around to making any kind of isometric art pack, we'll be first creating and animating the characters in 3d, then re-rendering, breaking them into parts, and then reassembling the frames in Spriter...reusing body parts, heads, shields (images) etc etc as much as possible.

    There's no getting around it...its a massive undertaking... 3d makes it much more attainable.

  • Oops, you "basictest.capx" is saved with a Construct 2 186.2 version and I can't open it.

    The latest version available here is 184... :/

    If anyone has the chance to test Spriter system for an iOS native game, let me know

    Here is a version saved from 184

  • Hi!

    Spriter seems to be a powerfu tool!

    I have some questions before I buy:

    - Is it full compatible with an iOS/Android native publishing?

    - Is there any issue with preformances on iOS/Android native games?

    Thank you!

    Hi I haven't had a chance to test on the latest exports recently. Here's a simple capx with an idle animation. You'll need the scml plugin (linked in my signature). Please let me know if you run into any issues with the export.

    As far as performance issues, I have also not had the chance to run any performance benchmarks, but I am aware of users creating commercial games with the scml plugin exported with cocoonjs.

  • New Run'n'Gun Platformer Art Pack available now. (Learn More)

    It can be purchased on the Scirra Store and at

    All Spriter Pro owners get the Essentials version of the Art Pack (and all first party Art Packs) for free. If you purchased from the Scirra Store, you can retrieve your download under your Spriter Pro download versions. If you purchased directly from BrashMonkey's site you should have received an email with a download link.

    lucid and BrashMonkey Team

    Thank you for the Run N' Gun Platformer Pack, It was right what I needed . Initially I wanted to wait for sub-entities to be available in the c2 plugin (to make the player aim in the direction he is shooting).

    I am working at a Megaman-type game and I am wondering if is a good idea to make all enemies in Spriter (performance related) ? ... What Spriter uses more ? CPU or GPU ?

    It depends on the size of the textures, but it will usually be more CPU. Using modular animation usually frees up a ton of VRAM for your GPU.

    Just picked up a license. Looking forward to using this on my next project!

    Thank you very much!

  • Run N� Gun Platformer Art Pack — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This art pack includes a robustly animated run n� gun player character, ready to walk, run, shoot, slide, crouch, flip, and swim his (or her) way through the world you create. Also included are several fully animated basic enemies, a couple of boss-like characters and a few effects you�ll likely find useful for things like impacts, pick-up effects etc. This Art Pack also includes two unique alternate �skins� for the player character..these are unique image sets which turn the player into a female or an enemy robot. </p><p>Detailed Instructions for using Spriter with C2 can be found here:</p><p></p><p>IMPORTANT: This Art Pack shares content with the Adventure Platformer Art Pack. If you�ve already purchased the Adventure Platformer Art Pack, you are eligible for a 50 percent discount for this art pack. Email us at for a coupon code.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Run N� Gun Platformer Art Pack

  • shuryon - thanks for the tip

    Hello Spriter devs

    I have some questions:

    - In your website, you said:

    [quote:3dk2smjx]IMPORTANT: Spriter 1.0 is still in development. This Early Adopter Sale price is a discount for those who purchase Spriter Pro before version 1.0. Official launch date of the full version of Spriter Pro is November 11th 2014.You will receive your serial number shortly after your purchase, which will unlock the Pro features. Additional Pro features will appear over the course of many future updates.

    I didn't buy Spriter Pro before, so can i still buy the early adopter sale version and use spriter? Can i update to the 1.0 version in the future when it is out for free too, or i have to buy the new version again?

    • What is the difference if i buy Spriter when:

    + i did buy Construct 2 Personal license before, in short buy Spriter in this link ... er-sale-78

    + i didn't buy Construct 2, in short, i just want to buy straight from your website

    Thank you.

    Hope to hear news from you soon.

    You will still get free updates to 1.0 for a long time to come. We have a ton of post 1.0 updates planned.

    Buying it now just gets you the Early Adopter discount, but it's the same Spriter Pro you would get if you bought it after the sale.

    The version on Scirra and our site are identical, and you will receive the same support. It's just a matter of convenience for the user which they purchase. Also, if you purchase on Scirra, your serial key will work with the download on our site as well.

    will it be on steam at all? like construct 2

    It's planned, but we can't give an ETA just yet.

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  • Quick update. The main bundle ( now matches the price at BrashMonkey

  • PSI - we have a full plate at the moment with the upcoming 1.0 release, and a few other business related matters, but it's on the todo list.


    Spriter Pro $59

    Basic Platformer Art Packs $75

    Adventure Platformer Art Packs $75

    Effects Art Packs $40

  • Hello shuryon

    - Buying Spriter do I gain access to any sprite?

    'm not sure I understand this question. When you buy Spriter you get access to Essentials versions of all of our first party Art Packs. The Essentials editions don’t have as much content as the full commercial versions, but have a useful amount of content to make a useful and attractive game prototype quickly, and provide a very strong set of example files to learn from. This page has previews for both the Essentials and full versions of each Art Pack:

    Let me know if that doesn't answer your question.

    - Can I use it commercially without the need to mention any party other than myself?


    - Can I use it, with little or a lot of effort, to make animations not just for games but a whole animation, let's say.. 10 minute animation?

    urrently, it does not have features made specifically for creating an entire cartoon, but there aren't any particular technical limitations to stop you from using it to do so. If this is your interest, it could also be used as part of your animation pipeline. This is a student film featuring Spriter animated characters assembled in other software:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    - Is it available for all platforms by default or I need to choose between Windows/Linux/MAC?

    ne license grants you use across all platforms on multiple computers as long as only one person is using the license at a time.

    - What are the dependencies for Linux?

    he following command installs all dependencies not included in the package:

    sudo apt-get install libqt4-webkit libqt4-help phonon[/code:akssl95j]

    - Is it a specific Linux distribution package or distribution independent? And what Linux distribution was used to develop it (just in case something odd happens)?

    t should be distribution independent. We can't test across all Linux platforms, but there have not been reports of Linux issues, aside from dependency issues we've already resolved in past versions. You can also download the free version from to test it on your Linux distribution. I use the latest version of Ubuntu as my development machine.

    - Works on Windows XP?

    t should, as we do have XP users, however only they are only a very small percentage of our user-base, and we don't currently have an XP system we test on, so it's possible there are some issues that have gone unreported.

    - Has API to permit plug-ins?

    he file format is meant to be human readable, and this should give a basic overview of how implementation works, but it is not up to date with the latest features:

    We will be creating much more thorough and completely up to date documentation after we couple of important post 1.0 features developers will want to take advantage of.

    - Does it load images or can I just draw on it?

    urrently, it only loads images created in (any) other software, whether it be a painting, photo-editing, or 3d program that generates the PNG images.

    - What is the maximum pixel dimensions?

    his is largely dependent on your hardware. The free version of Spriter will allow you to push the limits of your PC if need be to test, but there isn't a specific limit.

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