- Can I request certain things on the CVS?
- Is there a link to download a zip or something of an entire plugin, instead of each file one at a time?
- Are there functions built into EditTime, or CRunObject that allow you to load and access file information at edittime, or would I have to do that from scratch?
Specifically what I'd like to do is save a list of strings in a separate editor and then load this file in construct the way you load a sprite, so it's useable at edittime. After loading them into StringArray:
// StringArray is a holder for the list loaded at edittime, arraysize is int for number of list items
string StringArray[arraysize];
// ExampleString now holds the first item in StringArray
string ExampleString = StringArray[0];
// Append all StringArray items so ExampleString becomes
// "FirstItem|SecondItem|ThirdItem|etc"
for (int i=1, i<arraysize,i++)
ExampleString = ExampleString + "|" + StringArray;
//use ExampleString to create enum for parameter list
ADDPARAMCOMBO("Example", "This is just an example.",ExampleString.c_str());
ADDACT("My action", "My category", "Example action (%0)", &ExtObject::aMyAction, "MyAction", 0);
so basically, you could save a list of things to a file in a separate editor, and then load each item into StringArray. When you go to use MyAction in construct, your parameter list would be determined by that file. Are there any functions built into the SDK for loading and stepping through files, or would I have to do the FileIO from scratch?
I don't need the whole plugin, but could someone please paste the ENUM from mousekeyboard, the one that let's you choose leftclick,rightclick,a,b,c,TAB,etc... for OnKeyPressed. It would be very helpful, and save me alot of tedium
I only recently learned about defining macros from the illustrious David, but I don't understand this statement:
#define ADDPARAMCOMBO(n, d, v)
I thought it worked something like:
[quote:2c1hym6h]#define ADDPARAMCOMBO(n, d, v) DoFunction(1,n,d,v,"stuff")
when it doesn't have a second item, what is getting defined as?
Thanks alot guys as always. Things are moving along very nicely thanks to all the help from all of you.