Yeah they might be cool to play with but they should never be necessary to play a game. You would alienate a bunch of possible players just be requires that they use a controller. And what if i dont have a console to use them with? Im supposed to spend a bunch of money (probably more money than I paid for the game) so that I can play it fsck that.
I disagree kinda
there are certain games, for consoles, that you see none of for pc, until recently
or just crappy toned down versions, because everyone has a keyboard and a mouse
I think that's made pc gaming lame in some ways
most tripleA pc games for a long time now have been fps's
I bought a ps3 to play games like little big, god of war, metal gear, superbomberman, fighting games
developers have hesitated to bring these to pc because 'no one' has controllers
that's lame, I've always wanted to see what those style games would look like if they were MADE for pc, instead of direct crappy ports. although I disagree with the stupid greedy way MSoft went about it
I think the whole xinput/360 controller thing will eventually end up being good for pc gaming
as more and more developers start realizing they can release a game that's not an fps on the pc
but yeah, I think the 360 controller is fairly nice, but it's alot of friggin money
and I'll probably end up going with an xinput clone with a good dpad, and a slightly lower price tag
if such a thing exists. so yeah, I think you should make keyboard an option on your game
but I see nothing wrong with designing a game with controllers in mind as the best way to play