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  • you're being quite vague though, so no one knows what you mean

    I can't even make an example, because I have no idea what you're talking about

    move smoothly? so you do want it to keep moving?

    explain a little further, you don't have to give away your game or anything

    you can just say

    I have a sprite, I want it to start moving down

    and stop at a certain point

    or whatever

    there's a good chance we can help you do what you want, with or without lerp smoothly,

    but right now, I'm not sure what you're asking

  • there are alot of symbols you might never use in text like ~ or ^ or },], or |

    that you can replace with symbols of your choice

    as far as changing the color, you can easily cycle through and replace a word with a certain color tint

    like (assuming the sprite containing your letters is called lettersprite)

    For Each Word In Phrase
    compare currentword = fire
    	[li]lettersprite-tint = red[/code:1edec5fs][/li]
    [/ul]this would find any sprites making up the word fire in your paragraph, and tint them red
    also for symbols you could do something like (if you need every ascii character, and can't sacrifice any for special symbols
    [code:1edec5fs]if current word = "(~_^)"
    -for each letter
    --currentletter = "_"   <----the center underline in that little symbol
    ---system-create SpecialHappySprite at LetterSprite.x,LetterSprite.y
    --always Destroy LetterSprite[/code:1edec5fs]
    this would find any sprites making up the 'word' (~_^) and put your SpecialHappySprite in the middle of it, and destroy the original sprites making up the word (~_^)
    the currentletter, and currentword exressions combined with the ForEachLetter and ForEachWord conditions allow you to do very powerful and flexible things
    you could also change the size or position of certain words, only if they were in certain positions
    Set Text "fire! there is a fire in the house"
    For Each Word
    ---currentword == fire
    ------position in phrase = 1
    --------------make red
    would only make the first word red if it was fire, but not the other fire
    also, since they are sprites, you can do other things to them, like make them fade in and out, etc
    anything you can do to sprites;
    don't want to get too far off track here, but I'm not sure what you were trying to do so
    you can also do things the other way around, like
    if mouse is over LetterSprite
    ---pick current word
    ----if currentword = "hyperlink"
    -----tint red
    and lastly, if youyou had rpg dialog writing text letter by letter
    and you set your special little "press A to continue" symbol to be < let's say, and 
    you can use it as a cool icon, and a control character
    write text "this is an RPG dialog. press a to continue<"&newline&"and it wouldn't get to this part until after you pressed a, if you added the code:<"
    on letter typed "<"
    pause writing
    on A pressed
    resume writing
    so you could have classic rpg dialogs that scroll to a certain point, then wait for input before they continue typing
    that is all for today 
    glad to see interest around this again
    I'll finish it this month yall
    sorry again for the delay
    and then when your mouse was over a word
  • if you were just using it for games

    and money is not an object

    and these are your only two choices

    would you get an ITouch, or a DS, and why?

    my brother is buying a birthday gift for himself, and he's torn between the two

  • template.csx

    sounds like one of my unfinished plugs

    or maybe someone else's

  • I'm still a little vague on what you're trying to do

    but timedelta is for timebased things

    like objects moving and animation that happens overtime

    unless you want the y-coord to be changing, you should have that there at all

    aside from that, I kinda don't know what you're trying to do

    but it sounds like you might have a picking issue in there as well

    but as an example


    gives you a number between a and b, determined by a 0 through 1 value of t

    <img src="">


    would be 2 because it's all the way to the first number


    would be 3 because it's .5 of the way to the second number


    would be 4 because it's all the way to the second number

    also, if you just want something 16 pixels below where it already is

    you can just do y = .y+16

  • it's very easy to use, and won't take alot of events if you decide to remove it later

    also, the custom controls was something David mentioned in chat as an idea they were putting on the table. it hasn't been officially announced, and I don't know of whether it's a sure thing, or how long until it would come out

    I would recommend it

    it can't hurt anything

    there's a good chance if there isn't a 360 controller custom thing

    in the next month I might be able to add it next month

  • Control(int _player, std::string _control, int comboc)


    player = _player;

    control = _control;

    c = comboc;


    what's the comboc for?

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  • you could sort of have customized controls with that

    get control state, gives you the condition of a current control

    such as "fire", or "jump"

    it tells you the status of that control

    and set control allow you to set the state of a control as if there were a button or control pressed

    I made a custom controls plugin at one point

    but it was before the xbox360 plugin, so it only works with keyboard

    I was originally going to upgrade the plugin to take advantage of the new control system, and automatically work with built in behaviors, and the 360 pad, but I believe that david has plans to integrate custom controls into the official plugins

    but it is very simple to make it work with built in behaviors, and the latest reply to the topic explains how

    read the first part of the thread for a tutorial of how to use the plugin

    if you have any questions feel free to ask

    hope this is helpful:

    you can try the

  • edit:nevermind. im making the plugin

  • update, it might take an extra week now, because I'm going to be moving to a new home this week

    and this is a last minute unplanned thing

    thank you for your patience all

  • I missed the pow


  • no

    sorry for the long delay

    i will do my best to have it done by next sunday

    (not tommorow)

    assuming the current bugs and features are final, that should be perfectly possible

    and that will be the final version

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