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  • <img src="">

    <img src="">

    here is a working example of calling a function with a parameter

    and using that parameter to return a value:

    <img src="">

  • any examples of your work?

  • also, the python commands to do construct actions

    are usually guessable like

    to set the angle of a sprite with events

    you normally double click "Set Angle"

    and I believe the python command version of that is "SetAngle"

    if you're having trouble guessing a certain command

    ask someone, there is an equivalent python command for every action, condition, and expression,

    including plugins that have been made by users, it's built into the event code to require a python equivalent command.

    also, if you're particularly adventurous, you can look at the source code of an object to find the command:

    go into a plugin directory,

    some plugins have a duplicate that say "aced"

    for instance, there is a 'mouse/keyboard', and a 'mouse/keyboard (aced)'

    if it does NOT have a duplicate that says "aced"

    you check the ACEtable.cpp file,

    for the one's that do, you check the Main.cpp file

    when you get into that file, you can see all of the actions, conditions, and expressions,


    ADDPARAM(PARAM_OBJECT, "Object name", "Name of the object");
     	ADDCND("*On collision with another object", "Collisions", "On collision between %n %o and %0", &ExtObject::cOnCollide, "OnCollide", SOL_MODIFIER);[/code:2h009qrx]
    the only thing you're interested in is that last thing in quotes for each one
    in this case "OnCollide", would be the python equivalent of the "On Collision with another object "condition of sprite
    or in this example:
    [code:2h009qrx]ADDPARAM(PARAM_OBJECT,"Object","Select the object to fire out.");
       	ADDPARAMDEF(PARAM_VALUE, "Layer", "Layer name or number, to create the object on.", "1");
      	ADDPARAM(PARAM_VALUE, "Image point name or number (optional)", "Leave 0 to use object's position, or enter an image point's name or number.");
        	ADDACT("Spawn another object", "Creation", "Spawn object %0 on layer %1 (image point %2)", &ExtObject::aShootObject, "SpawnObject", SOL_MODIFIER);[/code:2h009qrx]
    "SpawnObject" would be the python equivalent to the "Spawn another object" action of sprite
  • doesn't seem to be working ashley

  • thx ashley

  • thanks link

  • I guess a few experiments would suffice, but someone else might already know.

    can you make a tiled background type repeating texture on a sprite using uv distortion

    without having to double up 2 vertexes at the same point?

  • wasn't thtere a way added to make it so sprites load into vram at the beginning of a layout, or all through the game or something? I thought it was already added, or was it just planned?

    if it is in there already, how do you do it?

  • what they are saying is that setting the color filer to white, is like turning off the color filter

  • i apologize ahead of time for the walls of text, but its hard to see paragraphs on my phone.

    i have 2 really awesome techniques that work for unmotivated people

    ok, for starters, i'm not one of these fake unmotivated people who thinks they have a special trick, but doesnt really know what its like to be truly lazy, and easily distracted. i'm the most unmotivated person in the universe. i mean, i'm 29 with kids, and sometimes my bedroom has clothes all over the floor, and random papers on every desk and flat surface accumulating for weeks without me building up the motivation to fix it.

    also, between having kids, and an 11 hour a day job(including driving), i also feel like i have no time for anything.

    the two techniques i use are the 2 minute miracle, and breaking things into steps. ill say the 2 minute miracle first, in case youre not motivated enough to get through them both. each will work on its own,, but combined, they really can turn your whole getting nothing done thing around.

    the 2 minute miracle is simply this. decide a time you are going to do something, or a general time frame. its best if its right before you would normally sit down and waste sometime doing something uselesss, but enjoyable, like play video games, or read random stuff on the web.

    at that time, before you are allowed to do that, devote 120 seconds to whatever it is you need to get done. 2 minutes, thats it. after that you allow yourself any timewasting fun you wsnt. you can play games, you can take a nap, you can look at beautiful peopl, and do what it is people do when they look at beautiful people on tbe net. the miracle is that you will almost always find yourself working passed the two minutes once you get yourself started. if you dont however, dont sweat it. dont punish yourself in your mind. be glad you spent 2 diligent minutes, and try again the next day. try it for a week and get back to me... when youre hesitant to do your two minutes, remind yourself, you can do whatever you want in 120 seconds. youll be amazed how much this can change your life.

    the next technique is breaking things into to be honest i think the first time i got thiss to work, the actual breaking into steps was done in a 2 minute miracle. all this is, is writing down everything you have to do in a large project, in broad terms, like, draw characters, make fighting events work, etc. then break it down into further steps, like if you have 20 characters to draw, break it down into each character, and if they are bones based characters, you cna even break it down into individual limbs. write them down, so you can cross them out, or put em in notepad, save it, and erase the ones you i said, you can do just this activity as your first set of 2 minute miracles... its not important to break everything down into each tiny step, just into steps you can picture yourself accomplishing in one sitting, also, its important to try to get as many " next" steps in as you can, meaning, things you dont have to finish other steps for before you can start on them...

    now when you sit down to do something, instead of being overwhelmed by this huge project, you can decide on a single step your in the mood for, or one you dont mind doing at the time. also put down, " break next section into steps" down everytime you havent finished breaking down your whole project, or youll find yourself forgetting how you got so far, and back to being overwhelmed again when you finish the steps you also makes for an easy activity to choose on a particularly lazy day.

    the two minute miracle will also help you learn to sit down and get started quickly, even if at first you usually waste your 2 minutess being distracted. combined with having a list of things to get started on,, like i said, youll be amazed.

  • this is a thread for procrastinators, lazy people, and people with no drive, or people formerly any of the former.

    please share, not your sob stories, but anything that has ever worked for you to fix your problem. maybe a motivational fix that you forgot about, but helped you see something through to completion. please no "just do it, you gotta push yourself" type comments. i have some techniques that worked really well for me for a while, but my break is almost over so i'll post those later. [edit: added it to this post now]

    i know i said no sob stories...but go ahead and sob, sometimes it helps to see someone elsewho you assumed was motivated admit they struggle as well.

    I'm adding my reply here, I meant for it to be in the original post anyway, I just didn't have time:

    i apologize ahead of time for the walls of text, but its hard to see paragraphs on my phone.

    i have 2 really awesome techniques that work for unmotivated people

    ok, for starters, i'm not one of these fake unmotivated people who thinks they have a special trick, but doesnt really know what its like to be truly lazy, and easily distracted. i'm the most unmotivated person in the universe. i mean, i'm 29 with kids, and sometimes my bedroom has clothes all over the floor, and random papers on every desk and flat surface accumulating for weeks without me building up the motivation to fix it.

    also, between having kids, and an 11 hour a day job(including driving), i also feel like i have no time for anything.

    the two techniques i use are the 2 minute miracle, and breaking things into steps. ill say the 2 minute miracle first, in case youre not motivated enough to get through them both. each will work on its own,, but combined, they really can turn your whole getting nothing done thing around.

    the 2 minute miracle is simply this. decide a time you are going to do something, or a general time frame. its best if its right before you would normally sit down and waste sometime doing something uselesss, but enjoyable, like play video games, or read random stuff on the web.

    at that time, before you are allowed to do that, devote 120 seconds to whatever it is you need to get done. 2 minutes, thats it. after that you allow yourself any timewasting fun you wsnt. you can play games, you can take a nap, you can look at beautiful peopl, and do what it is people do when they look at beautiful people on tbe net. the miracle is that you will almost always find yourself working passed the two minutes once you get yourself started. if you dont however, dont sweat it. dont punish yourself in your mind. be glad you spent 2 diligent minutes, and try again the next day. try it for a week and get back to me... when youre hesitant to do your two minutes, remind yourself, you can do whatever you want in 120 seconds. youll be amazed how much this can change your life.

    the next technique is breaking things into to be honest i think the first time i got thiss to work, the actual breaking into steps was done in a 2 minute miracle. all this is, is writing down everything you have to do in a large project, in broad terms, like, draw characters, make fighting events work, etc. then break it down into further steps, like if you have 20 characters to draw, break it down into each character, and if they are bones based characters, you cna even break it down into individual limbs. write them down, so you can cross them out, or put em in notepad, save it, and erase the ones you i said, you can do just this activity as your first set of 2 minute miracles... its not important to break everything down into each tiny step, just into steps you can picture yourself accomplishing in one sitting, also, its important to try to get as many " next" steps in as you can, meaning, things you dont have to finish other steps for before you can start on them...

    now when you sit down to do something, instead of being overwhelmed by this huge project, you can decide on a single step your in the mood for, or one you dont mind doing at the time. also put down, " break next section into steps" down everytime you havent finished breaking down your whole project, or youll find yourself forgetting how you got so far, and back to being overwhelmed again when you finish the steps you also makes for an easy activity to choose on a particularly lazy day.

    the two minute miracle will also help you learn to sit down and get started quickly, even if at first you usually waste your 2 minutess being distracted. combined with having a list of things to get started on,, like i said, youll be amazed.

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Member since 16 Jan, 2009

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