lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • you no longer need to add controls through events

    but you do have to add them the way you normally do in construct:

    (through the application properties pane)

    <img src="">

    try adding the controls you want here, and let me know if it works

    the plugin will automatically obey only keys set by the plugin

    so you can set the actual buttons you want here in the properties pane,

    they will be ignored

    just create the names of the controls you want like "Move Left", etc

  • I like the idea, but I was also considering enhanced containers for modular code (ie. a container which can contain events, other objects etc. and be copied/pasted around with complete functionality in one go, no need for "variable" objects because everything needed is pasted in). How do you think this idea compares to that?

    that sounds really awesome actually

    but the possibility of variable objects is still nice in that situation (or find-&-replaceable objects)

    so you can share your modular code without having to share your amazing sprites, if you're sharing a technique you discovered mid-game development

    and if one is using the new modular code containers in your own code, you can easily change all the events from using Sprite1, to using a different sprite or object

    or (and I hadn't considered this earlier) not just copy/paste the modular code and change the object, but be able to call the code using a different object as Object A, like passing parameters works in functions, but being able to use object types, as parameters

  • lucid, thank you for nice words...

    no problem

    [quote:1z6oqhmr]...Is there possibility to create several folders for different objects? ...?

    if you are using above 98.9 version

    then there is a project bar (defaults to the right side of the screen), which you can use to organize your objects, among other things

    just make sure you click on the project tab

    <img src="">

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  • it would be very cool to be able to create functions, or groups of events

    that can be included in Caps, other than their original cap

    other than system events and actions, most require objects

    it would be very useful to be able to be able to specify a variable object in these events

    or when a group of events was exported, and imported to a different cap, these objects would automatically be loaded as variable objects

    so you would import a group of events with Object A, and Object B variable objects in place of actual objects, you would not be able to run a cap with Variable objects in place, you would specify the objects that should go in their place, or give the option of automatically adding the original object type and then you could run it

    there would be logistical issues, such as private variables, but it would be an extremely useful feature that would allow reusable code for one's own caps, and also, a method for non-programmer users to contribute precreated functionality for other users

    there could be an ever growing library of presolved common problems and situations, not worth creating plugins for, but common enough that it would be useful to have.

  • if unbounded scrolling is not checked

    the scrolling still stops at the location it would at 100% zoom even if you're zoomed in, and it has more wiggle room at the greater zoomed in view

    a user was requesting help with this problem at this topic:

    there is a solution in my reply, but it involves a few events that may not be immediately obvious to a new user, and the behavior provided by these extra events is what you would expect it to do normally

  • the reason why this happens is because construct limits the scrolling to within your layout, so it will never show any pixels outside your layout

    unfortunately, it doesn't update these numbers as you zoom in.

    to fix this problem, first check "unbounded scrolling" in your layout properties

    this will allow it to show the outside of your layout

    this is still not what you want however, because you don't want your players seeing a void outside your layout everytime you get near the edge of your screen

    I made a cap with the math necessary to fix this

    scrollxLeft [/code:3bmets29]
    is an expression that tells you which pixel location of your layout is on the left of your screen, 
    [code:3bmets29] ScrollXRight-ScrollXLeft[/code:3bmets29],
     would tell you how many pixels wide the zoomed in area of your screen is regardless of zooming  
    is one half zoomed in screen of pixels from the left of your layout
    which is where you would want the center of your screen if you wanted it as close to the left of your layout as possible when zoomed in, but not showing the outside of your layout
    is the same thing, but on the right side of your layout
    ask questions if you still don't understand after looking through the cap
    I won't be on until tomorrow probably , but someone will probably be able to explain it a little better, and if not, when I log on, I'll try to clarify if you have questions
    use the arrow keys to move the box
    mousewheel zooms in and out
    if you toggle those events off with the scrollx and scrolly, and just let it scroll to the green block
    you'll see how it would display the outside of the layout without those extra events as you got closer to the edge
  • global objects?

  • nah, alot of people are shy about asking questions in the board

    it's not like people who know the answers are annoyed by the presence of more questions

    when I first got here I asked a million questions, and half of the answers were on the wiki

    now I'm a super awesome construct badass

    and all for asking a million basic questions until I was really comfortable

    I'm not suggesting you don't check the wiki, and do the tutorials

    I'm just saying, don't hesitate to ask, even if you haven't read through every smidgen of information

    ask, ask, ask, and if someone says, "you should check out <a certain wiki or tutorial>" check it out

    and ask questions again next time you have em even if you didn't finish the whole tutorial

    and then ask some more

    on the boards, not in PM

    where more people can read answers if they have the same questions

    and you can get more varied answers from more people

  • i dont remember how to do it your mouse doesnt have a zoom wheel, but this feature is in there. try holding shift or cntrl and using your mouse wheel

    or + or _, or search the forum for when i asked about this same thing.

    its in there though

  • holy f'in crap dude

    yeah the 2d was beautiful and inspirational for 2d game making

    but goodness dude

    I felt the same way when I saw guild wars1

    the graphics in game are sooooooooo f'in good

    I only played a trial of the first game

    and I really liked the type of powers you could get, and how the fighting was more than clicking on a monster and watching them slide their walking animation against you and do a biting animation once every 4 seconds..

    world of warcraft

    I just didn't have time for an rpg

    anywho, beautiful looking game

    and thanks for sharing the 2d thingy

  • they should mark unstable and stable

    and people interested in helping construct become complete and stable

    and people more concerned with having the latest features and less concerned with stability can download the latest build

    which they will use, test, and report bugs

    people new to construct should be linked to the latest stable build on the download page

    and people concerned more with stability than the latest features use the last stable release

    this version may have been marked stable prematurely

    but that doesn't mean the entire practice of having stable and unstable builds is flawed

  • <img src="">

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