also, the python commands to do construct actions
are usually guessable like
to set the angle of a sprite with events
you normally double click "Set Angle"
and I believe the python command version of that is "SetAngle"
if you're having trouble guessing a certain command
ask someone, there is an equivalent python command for every action, condition, and expression,
including plugins that have been made by users, it's built into the event code to require a python equivalent command.
also, if you're particularly adventurous, you can look at the source code of an object to find the command:
go into a plugin directory,
some plugins have a duplicate that say "aced"
for instance, there is a 'mouse/keyboard', and a 'mouse/keyboard (aced)'
if it does NOT have a duplicate that says "aced"
you check the ACEtable.cpp file,
for the one's that do, you check the Main.cpp file
when you get into that file, you can see all of the actions, conditions, and expressions,
ADDPARAM(PARAM_OBJECT, "Object name", "Name of the object");
ADDCND("*On collision with another object", "Collisions", "On collision between %n %o and %0", &ExtObject::cOnCollide, "OnCollide", SOL_MODIFIER);[/code:2h009qrx]
the only thing you're interested in is that last thing in quotes for each one
in this case "OnCollide", would be the python equivalent of the "On Collision with another object "condition of sprite
or in this example:
[code:2h009qrx]ADDPARAM(PARAM_OBJECT,"Object","Select the object to fire out.");
ADDPARAMDEF(PARAM_VALUE, "Layer", "Layer name or number, to create the object on.", "1");
ADDPARAM(PARAM_VALUE, "Image point name or number (optional)", "Leave 0 to use object's position, or enter an image point's name or number.");
ADDACT("Spawn another object", "Creation", "Spawn object %0 on layer %1 (image point %2)", &ExtObject::aShootObject, "SpawnObject", SOL_MODIFIER);[/code:2h009qrx]
"SpawnObject" would be the python equivalent to the "Spawn another object" action of sprite