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  • I was just about to reply about needing to use scon file. Glad you got it working.

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  • macube - we will be making some tutorials and vids, but the main thing is to make sure the zip file and the scon file have the same name. Also, make sure that the scon file isn't in a subfolder in the zip - it should be in the root of the zip.

  • I guess you want your audio files to go through that dialog so they get transcoded?

    Yes, please. Should I submit a new issue? I'm not seeing the previous request compilation so I'm guessing it was closed.

  • macube and captainsteff - that part of the js you were getting rid of is built into the plugin sdk and not something specific to the scml plugin. Are you still having this issue? I imported successfully both an old style and self drawing project in 120, 121, and 122.

    In any case. Please try the latest version and see if it changes anything.

    RELEASE NOTES 10-17-2018

    • Importer now works in C3 by dragging in a zip of your project. The zip and the scon file must have the same base filename (e.g. and myProj.scon)
    • You can drag in either a modular project or an atlas project and the plugin will automatically import the correct way
    • If you have a hybrid project (atlas for images, but also sounds and/or collision boxes), this will also automatically be handled
    • If your project has sounds, the necessary sound playback events will automatically be added
    • You no longer need a separate scml file to import modular projects

    Note : Until I hear back from Scirra on a fix, you will have to manually reimport sounds even though they show up as imported in the project panel. I apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Ashley - Is there an extra step I need to do after importing a sound through the importer API? I get this:

    BossHit_1 I imported manually through C3 and as you can see it creates the main sound with the .wav and .webm subentries.

    The rest I added with

    const soundBlob = await zipFile.ReadBlob(entry); project.AddOrReplaceProjectFile(soundBlob, fileName, "sound");

    When added this way, there are no subentries for different formats. I can preview them in the project panel with the play button, but when I actually run the layout, only the manually imported sound can be played through actions.

  • Hello macube and captainsteff - Sorry for the delay. Was just finishing up an important internal milestone for Spriter 2. I will look into this soon.

  • Cassianno As far as speed concerns, what sagispin said applies. As far as being able to pick the correct instances belonging to the same character, when it imports everything goes into a container together, so when you pick an instance of a part with a condition, all the other parts' instances are also picked.

  • Bertconstanty I don't want to hijack this thread for Spriter plugin (any more than I already have), but I will say it in this thread.

    And I will also upload it to the Construct 3 Addons repository.

  • Got it. Will do.

  • Just a quick update guys. The latest C3 beta addressed all the issues and requests I made to Ashley, but it turns out I forgot one thing, which is the ability to set the animation speed of each sprite. So I've asked if that will require an additional change. If not for that I would have been able to release the update today.

    The good news is everything else I mentioned is working, including the automatic project type import, and automatically doing the hybrid import for you. Also, the import automatically sets the container to wrapped selection mode, so you drag all the sprites together automatically.

    Lastly, another request Ashley said will most likely be filled in the beta following the next stable C3 update, makes it so the automatic creation of the sound playback events will be a definite inclusion as opposed to a 'maybe'. The code is already in the plugin commented out, so I should be able to release it the day of that C3 update.

  • Ashley Is there any way to set an IAnimation's Speed?

  • Ashley - excellent. thanks.

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