lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • inkbug - When you get a chance, I need any changes he made to the edittime for the new pin actions in order to make sure I don't break your project when I update the plugin, by using different id's.

  • inkbug - excellent. Tell him I said thanks. He definitely saved me some time.

  • Do we have your permission to use the altered code?

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  • macube - unfortunately, no. That doesn't work in the current version of the plugin, and I'm not sure if or when that might be added.

  • Hello Tom. I hope all is well with you and yours.

    I have a small request related to a small inconvenience I have on the site. Well first off, the latest updates to the site look and feel awesome. So, as I said, it's a very minor issue, but here it is:

    I'll see my notification count, and then after hovering the center of my avatar, I'll attempt to move the mouse directly to notifications. And as I pass through the dark grey area on the way there, the popup closes.

    If there could just be a small hover zone in the gray area to the left of the avatar that keeps the popup open, that would solve it. I guess a half second delay for the popup to close would do the same thing, but might compromise the silky smooth responsive feeling of the site. Anyway, it's not like it ruins the site or anything, but it's a small thing happens to me a couple of times every time I check my notifications.

  • So if I get it correctly, we won't have a C3 runtime update of the current SCML plug-in before Spriter 2 gets out. You guys realize that I'm mostly unable to use a product I'm paying a timed subscription for because I've been waiting for this update for months...?

    Paying for Spriter 2 is really not a problem, but I'm starting to lose trust in Brashmonkey team at this point. I hope I'll change my mind very soon.

    The C3 runtime has only been out a month, and that is correct, the c3 runtime update won't be out before Spriter 2. According to Ashley, the best route to update a plugin to the new runtime is a complete rewrite. The current plugin is several thousand lines long, and a rewrite would delay Spriter 2 even longer, and Spriter 2 is far more overdue than the c3 runtime version of the plugin.

    Spriter 2 is a free update, partly because of its repeated delays. Unfortunately, we can't control Scirra's pricing structure, and we've been careful not to promise any timelines aside from the Spriter 2 beta, for the specific reason that we don't want people depending on a specific timeframe until we're sure we can deliver.

    I don't think it will be a year away before there's a C3 runtime, but I also can't give a definite timeline now either, since there are too many variables.

  • I agree with R0J0hound that it looks like a combination of things.

    It looks like it almost definitely uses some type of cellular automata for a lot of things (Google it for tons of info and vids), but if they did, they did a lot of work to make it behave and look all pretty. You can see some telltale signs by the way the magic destruction spreads, and how there is a delay in filling the empty space when liquid is flowing and the container or ground breaks beneath it.

    I think for the per-pixel physics they might be using a more sophisticated version of the same thing. If I were to try to do it, I would try to make a super simplified physics engine per cell, more like a vastly simplified platform behavior per pixel than like a true box2d style physics behavior. They said they're doing the simulation on CPU so I'd guess the simulation is a data-driven design, so there's just a bunch of dumb data sitting there, and the simulator runs over all of it, rather than each individual pixel being its own object. Each cell probably has a state that changes to different modes when it becomes airborne, or joins a larger body, etc.

    As far as how they're making the larger objects behave like they're part of that same pixel based physics, I don't have a clue. My guess would be magic. I've always been fascinated by soft body and brittle object physics, but I never delved into much of the math of it. The thing I did with CC that newt mentioned was using a library to do most of the work.

  • TheRealDannyyy - Ashley has gone to great lengths to make sure that SDK users would have the same abilities as that type of collaboration would provide. This is why the current version of the plugin's import process already has more features and is more streamlined than it was in Construct 2. We will make sure BrashMonkey's official support for Construct 3 with the Spriter 2 plugin will be completely awesome, even if it means annoying Ashley with 500 more SDK feature requests. I apologize for my relative scarcity while we finish up the Spriter 2 beta. I'm doing my best to make sure the wait will be worth it.

  • Bertconstanty - It doesn't work with the C3 runtime yet. Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA for when I can work on the C3 runtime version yet.

  • captainsteff - glad it's working for you, too. Of course use whichever is most convenient for you, but in case you missed it in the update post, you can use the drag and drop in a zip for the 'new' method now, too.

  • I hadn't thought of that. I'll put it on the todo list to look into whether or not I can make it automatically reimport for the same file yet. I will probably have to request more sdk features for that to be possible. [Edit: Just looked into this. I probably won't be able to get to until after the next Spriter 2 milestone, but it looks like it probably won't require any additional sdk files afterall. I will know for sure once I get a chance to dig into it]

    in the meantime, you can remove the old scon file, and import the new version in the project pane. If you're using a sprite atlas, you can load the new one in by double clicking the scml object. If you're using separate sprites, the order of where frames need to be imported requires the import in some cases, so there's not an easy fix for that. In those situations, the only workaround would be to import the new version, select all events with the old version of the scml object and the family and right click - Replace Object.

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