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  • I believe the bounding box is always a 0 degree angle box to make the quickest possible collision detection. I wonder if there's not an in between though for greater speed than per pixel, but the accuracy you're looking for, as I've needed that in the past as well.

    To be clear, the bounding box (black) for a square sprite (red) rotated 45 degrees would look like this:

    <img src="">

  • as a more general answer

    the only thing I couldn't get to work in win7 was Optical Drive Emulation apps, like PowerISO, and such. that was with the initial beta win7 version though, and there are win7 versions of all of them as far as I know now. other than that everythings worked flawlessly.

    btw you're in for a treat, it's so much better than vista. no stability problems at all so far, and I've had it since the release candidate version

  • it feels solid, and looks nice

    a few suggestions though

    I could be wrong, but i think it's impossible (literally) to dodge the homing missiles, because once they get horizontal to you, there's no escape.

    if the background were a slightly different tint, it's make the player ship and the enemy missiles stand out more which would be not only good for gameplay, but look good too.

    also, on the subject of visuals, drop shadows for everything to show how high or not high up we are from the ground are always cool.

    as far as powerups, I don't think it should be the first powerup or anything, but back in the amiga days, I always loved games where you'd eventually get some drone that followed or circled your ship, and shot nearby ships on it's own, or just shot some special shot straight forward whenever you fired your regular shots

  • I second this. I suggested it a while ago, but that was back when no one was really using python.

    it seems like a small request, but it becomes more and more of a big deal with larger and larger caps.

    it starts getting to the point where you just copy paste another script if you can find it close at hand, and then erase it's contents and drag it into place

  • gosh darnit! I can't believe this flippin spit

  • My opinion:

    A racing game with no track, or reason to stay on the track?

    That sounds boring. Just imagine the same idea with a fast running character.

    It just seems pointless. Twisted metal or vigalante 8 is similar but with the objective of fighting eachother

    I think rules, or objectives are necessary, even if they aren't clearly defined, but are merely emergent. I haven't tried minecraft, but I watched some vids, and even though there isn't leveling and such. You have the objective of creating a cozy place to survive the night, and other people made it about building impressive structures, or rollercoasters.

    Maybe the racing game would be fun if a bunch of people got together and were able to create and follow the rules of a game of tag, or a trick or high jump contest. A racing game doesn't give you as much to do as minecraft, and isn't as complex a world. Keeping in mind I havet seen the game you're talking about. It'd be like if minecraft only let you walk around and not collect or fight or dig or break or build. Just walking, but faster.

    I think open-ended games need to have interacting consequences for actions and for not taking action. The less rigid the goals, the more complex the world has to be. In gta its fun to drive around and kill random people when you're not doing missions because when you do, it becomes a game in itself. Cops chase, and that becomes a game of stealth or survival, sometimes racing away from a scene trying to keep your car in tact also becomes a game because there are cars everywhere. If you could just drive down the sidewalk forever killing everyone it'd get boring quickly, the same if you just drove in the city aimlessly.

    That's one of the things spore suffered from now that I think about it. You're not free to do anything really other than the objectives. You spend time in the most impressive character creator ever, and then you can't do anything other than predefinied empty minigames. Its no fun to explore the world because there's nothing to do. You can't do anything cool. The world is dynamic on a global scale, but it has no substance on the small scale. You can't so much as eat all the fruit near a species nest to force them to move elsewhere.

    Just my take on it. Good question

  • Oh, gotcha. I thought you were saying it should always be off by default.

    Time to brush up on my reading coomprehension

  • I have to throw in my two cents here

    I would say the majority of people use platform behavior for players

    especially people new to construct

    it would be confusing for input to be disabled by default

    if anything it should be a checkbox in properties

  • i think dx and opengl have software rendering implementations

    also, the builtin runtime support will only be two runtimes

    but c2 will be made openended for any enterprising users to create runtimes for other platforms

  • yeah 2d is important too

    fastest 2d game creator

    or maybe

    ultimate 2d game creator

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  • Yes, when choosing a new action, at the the top of the window listing the possible actions, there are tabs to choose actions related to behaviors applied to the object

  • Hey ash,

    I haven't messed around much with the new box2d physics, and not at all on the new version, but I do remember people saying it caused caps to stop working.

    so if the goal is for a safe autoupdate, maybe the physics should be reverted back to the old version, or fixed. I think the problems all centered around hinges, but that question would be better answered by the ones who were using it

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