Construct Lite?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • This is a rather chunky request, but whatever.

    I like Construct's interface (even if it's a derivitave of Clickteam's software interfaces) and I think it would be great to be able to use it for cross platform development of SNES/Genesis era-style games. That is 320x240 max resolution, tilemaps and the like. Still with a Python backend but with a more generalized software renderer capable of running on multiple platforms (even low spec stuff like GP2X, Dingoo, some mobile phones).

    It would basically require a fork, but I think it would be incredibly useful since it's still a niche that is yet to be exploited.

  • Practically everybody wants some form of portability. It's not going to be in Construct 1. Plans for C2 include cross platform support, but it may only be to one specific platform other than windows. I'm pretty sure the devs don't have a software renderer planned.

  • [quote:1taco795]Plans for C2 include cross platform support, but it may only be to one specific platform other than windows.

    'm guessing linux? Or OSX?

    [quote:1taco795]I'm pretty sure the devs don't have a software renderer planned.

    Well the idea I'm putting forward would need more than just a software renderer anyway.

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  • i think dx and opengl have software rendering implementations

    also, the builtin runtime support will only be two runtimes

    but c2 will be made openended for any enterprising users to create runtimes for other platforms

  • I think you can set runtime windows to 320X240 if you wanted to.

    But I would love to see Construct on Mac OS X!

  • Then again, this is just asking for clones of it.

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