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  • Ashley, there's only one problem I see here, but it seems like a major one.

    Someone using it for free gets unlimited updates, but nag screens

    someone who pays for subscription basically gets a frozen version, so after 2 years, the free one is actually better.

    Also, if it settles on a final model where some people couldn't update for free, the helpfulness of the community would diminish as some people would be asking questions, and there would be a constant,

    "I'm using v1.2",

    "oh, you should upgrade to v1.3, that bug isn't there"

    I think it would be better for the subscription to wear off with the return of the nag screen. You're paying for the right to publish it commercially, it seems anyway, right? or are you just paying to alleviate the annoyance of the nag screen. I know pirates will do what they will, but officially, are you 'allowed' to publish with the free nag version?

    Also, I propose a 3rd license model, an indie lifetime model, it would cost the price of the commercial model, but you would get lifetime updates with no nag screens, but still be limited by the 20,000 profit cap. I would definitely be willing to pay for that

  • I wouldn't expect every behaviour to be done as part of Ashley's work, just the main system and a sample implementation, as some others mentioned

    yeah, I think it'd be better to have 8 direction behavior or bullet behavior instead of custom movement. something easier for more to learn from, and a quicker road to the main behavior system being there

  • definitely takes turns. There's no point in redoing everything over and over. Make set times to make changes or set days.

    I would get a dropbox account. That would just take away some of the tedium of uploading. Definitely each new save name it incrementally, like MyGame1.cap, MyGame2.cap, MyGame3.cap, etc. But then you can work out of the dropbox folder, and when you save, it's already uploaded, and when he turns on his pc, it's already downloaded. there's no extra process

    aside from that, c1 doesn't really have too many team friendly features, I'm afraid

  • it probably really is in response to c2. Gamemaker has to know about us by now.

    They don't stand a chance though. not to be mean, but this is scirra we're talking about...that would be like a bunch of kids making a fort in their backyard out of blankets and tree branches, so they could go up against NATO.

  • I believe physics might automatically make larger objects heavier. Use the Set Mass action to make the large ones weigh less, and see if that fixes it

  • unbounded scrolling works, but will restrain the camera even further than it has to if zoomed in, and I think maybe not enough when zoomed out

    this should work for any zoom level:

    note: uncheck center view on me for the object and just scroll to object through an always event

  • I second behaviors.

    Especially since a lot of people seem to be playing with javascript plugins

  • the whole idea of the logo or splash is that it is undesirable

    you get to try out the product, make a full game if you wish

    then you say, you know what, I've gotten this far. my game is awesome. I want to sell it. Construct 2 is definitely a worthwhile investment. Let me pay the license, and get rid of this logo

    or it irks you 5 days into using it, and you pay for it then.

    It seems a fairly harmless thing to me, for what's basically an endless free trial

  • probably best not to keep replying to your thread over and over.

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  • Make the player an immovable physics object as well. And just move it with the platform movement. Or make your own platform movement for the player out of physics operations. If you use the first method, you'll notice the boxes move out of the way, but with no real force. To fix this, you can give your immovable physics player commands like

    always -

    ----set physics horizontal velocity to. Platform horizontal velocity * factor

    I don't think those are the actual expressions, but I don't have my pc in front of me. Factor will be a number of your choosing, expirement till it seems right. Even though you won't actually be moving the player with physics, this will let the physics engine know the object is moving

    I have a potential fix for physics that will make it work naturally with outside movement without the extra steps. Hopefully it will make it into a future version of construct

  • It wouldn't be a burden, construct can create destroy and move literally thousands of sprites each frame without slowdown. The spritefont plugin was made for this. Unfortunately I no longer have the source code to check up on it. Initially some people were complaining of disappearing letters, but I think it may have been an issue with an older version of construct, because I've had several people tell me they use it all the time with no issues.

    Also, if you change the sample mode of the application from linear to point that will cut the antialiasing off the whole screen, which should cause both text and sprites to look less blurry, if you decide to use regular fonts

  • Yeah, you can test itby opening anything let's you type text, andbegin holding keys one by one, until the key you press doesn't show up on screen

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