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  • Hey ash and gull, I don't want to sound like a nag screen, but what do you think of the nonofficial plugin revenue sharing thing in addition. I don't think you've voiced an opinion either way yet. It will give you a more constant stream of income. The larger the community, the more plugins made, AND the more plugins bought, so it'll be another revenue stream. Plugin devs could still have the option to not use the official plugin shop, so it wouldn't be a restrictive thing. They would just have that option of extra exposure and free hosting, and placement on the ranking/download list.

    This would help you make more money off of users who are unable or unwilling to pay for either license model. And once again to make more money off the people who bought license in between their 2 year things. And it isn't evil, because you're not restricting users from any official features

  • I've never used the camera plugin beyond watching the demo. So this is sortof a shot in the dark, I recall seeing a demo for camera room transitions like old LOZ(I think it was from the plugin). This might have been accomplished with a momentary pause of the timer which would freeze everything happening pretty much. Try manually setting system timescale to the normal rate at evry tick. If my guess is correct, and the plugin is designed to affect timescaling at the beginning of the tick it might fix it, at the expense of making the room transition slightly less cool

  • progress bars are windows controls which overall just don't work very well in construct. it's usually best to make your own versions of them

  • yeah. marketing:)

  • Both CS2 and GM has thier plus and minus points , So i cannot say which is better at the moment.Yes CS2 and CS are remarkable apps,But if you have both GM and CS then you can do so much more.

    Im not a Pro Game Maker user,I think it's silly to compare two very different apps.And seeing the positive response i got on thier forum's about Construct . It's unfair to diss thier app.

    i was just having a little fun, and cheerleading for my winning team. also, although I haven't tried gm8, I owned gm7. I disagree with most of what you said. GM was extremely slow, and useless without scripting, and I also think they are not very different apps. They are meant to do the same thing. Just one is much better at it. I don't want to derail the thread. but just my 2 cents

  • hi gullanian.

    we were having a real shortage of red names, lately, so this should do us some good

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  • I haven't had the chance to read all of this or try it, but thanks for sharing, this is very useful

  • nah, I think pretty much the same basic assortment of c1 plugins should be included free

    then the revenue sharing model, and maybe more plugs after all the basics are covered. but I don't think it should be split down to genres and such. the idea would be that it's complete when you buy it. and you're paying to enhance it, and for icing on the cake. it'd be very annoying to pay for any of the included c1 plugins. except for ones that came later, like panel, or custom movement. maybe a more userfriendly sprite ribbon plug. the original ones, including box2d would be worth paying extra for, but the fact they would all be included would make the product uberawesome and a great deal to begin with.

  • I think judging by the response to 2 years, and who is fine with it and who isn't. if I had never heard of construct I'd find it very unattractive, too. I think it's just because I'm a loyal scirra guy who wants to see you guys succeed that I'm fine with it.

    you're going to need a steady stream of newcomers to make it profitable. plus if you can use it for free with a simple nag as a deterrent, well for examplt..I forgot winrar was shareware. the people aren't paying for upgrades, those are free. you're paying to stop being nagged. people will just wait until they are ready to publish a full game to pay. there won't be many. you need to make money off the people who will never finish a game, too.

    give out html in the free version, plug nag, plus ads, plus scirra arcade with ad support there, too. get rid of nags and ads for a cheap price

    charge for exporters. I think it's a more user acceptable way, and also, a great way to have people continue to pay for it. After a crapload of initial awesome plugs, profitshare to host usermade plugins on scirra. in c1 for example, with just 3 or 4 users making plugs, I probably would have bought a better version of spritefont, custom controls, the camera plug, definitely perlin noise, and s, and probably the ik plug back before s came out. if you made just one dollar off of each sale that'd be 5 from me. you said there have been 200,000 downloads? imagine if half those people bought 5 plugs. that'd be 500,000$

    oh yeah, and up the tiered license system. don't sell yourself short. if c2 had been out now for years already, angry birds, doodle jump, xxxxxxxxxx, and a crapload of other awesomely selling indie games wouldv probably been made in c2. make the multitiered license go up, like $10,000 in sales is the $150, $100,000 is a $500 license, and over $500,000 is the $2000. I guess that would be a company wide license with added per seat licenses for each running copy.

    those games and users will be rare especially at first, but the whole idea of this is that c2 is good. they will come eventually and even one of the $100,000 would be worth over 10 normal users, not to mention whatever plugins, and exporters they bought.

    in 4 years instead of having everyone just pay for the same program again, eventually it will be stable, and you'll have time to just release a boatload of new plugins, exporters, etc, all at the same time, and charge for this new bundle.

    edit: sorry megatron, I reread my previous post, and got bored halfway through so I reworded it

  • right now there's only 2 devs, 10,000 people buying the 10 year license would be $1,500,000, not that everyone would. just saying. I don't know about you, but half that amount would be a few years of my current pay.

    also, not trying to be picky ashley, but you said

    [quote:1e6oukk7]two years of upgrades/publishing sounds better

    give yourself credit for what you're doing, it's just two years of publishing, if you're allowing the free version to upgrade. so it's a fantastic deal, you should sell it as such.

    still though, seriously consider a profit sharing option with plugin makers. if people can make and sell plugins anyway, you might as well get in on that. An ever growing residual income model is the way to succeed bigtime.

  • Yeah ashley...I like lucid's idea..

    But maybe neo is right about it not being enough....

    Maybe you should charge for exporters that are made beyond the original html one. Not insane prices, but something...and once again, simply have the license forbid the creation of exporters for platforms that are already officially supported. I think people won't feel ripped off by the exporter thing, since if they don't need them they just won't pay for them.

    also, if you could open a plugin store where you would sell community made plugins and take a percentage of profit for the price of hosting and the exposure you get. That way there would be a more constant revenue stream, that would grow larger with the community. The same could work for a much higher percentage with exporters on perhaps a case by case basis

    Also, I agree about rewording. C2 is free for personal hobby use. $40 is two years of publishing rights for indie games with no strings attached. It isn't a trick of the wording. Its actually a more accurate description, since you still get upgrades for free versions

  • You wouldn't mind programming 5 million lines for that, you make Construct because it's your passion to program a software!...

    If I would make a software like this and first let this be free, it will stay free in the future. I don't want to scare away people with a subscription plan....

    That's a silly thing to say. I love to make games. Because of this I have to sell my first salable game. In the real world, if you want to continue to do something you love, you need to make sure your bills are paid first. There's a free version anyway...what's to complain about. I don't even notice when I close the winrar nag screen anymore.

    Also, in case this goes to third page, please read my previous post about the third license model idea

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