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  • Sorry, my mistake,

    Yeah, its double quotes to add a quote to a string, but the string still needs to be surrounded by quotes.

    "So this would be a string, and the word ""white"" would have quotes around it"

  • Double



    The wiki linked in the 'Read this first' thread at the top of this forum has a list of such system expressions

  • if you haven't been able to make any games test without that error

    reinstall construct, and let it install dx9 even though you already have a more updated version. the dx9 install has some extra files that don't get installed automatically when you update dx

  • yeah, people are getting pretty passionate about it, and unfortunately as much as i and some construct loyalists are fine with it, and just eager to get them on their way financially, the roughly 65 percent who approve is not very promising. I think honestly it's just hard for people to put aside the fact that it's not complete at the moment. Until it is, you're going to have to be sustained on the community who already trusts it will eventually get there.

    with a complete product, there will be less resistance, but i think it'll be important to point out how many +1 versions competitors have, most have more than 1 every two years.


    just thought of this.

    maybe you should just have a set group of features that construct 3 will have, still do incremental updates, but when it reaches that level, people who have paid for the subscription fee will still get it even if it's called c3

    it won't even be a subscription, it'll be a future proofing promise. its the free update guarantee, which extends to +1 versions as well.

    that'll feel better for most. which i think is the main problem, is this is a different business model, and the words just don't sit right with alot of people. which may seem insignificant, but it's's pretty much everything when it comes to selling something. to them it feels almost like a product rental, and not only that, but a rental of something incomplete with no clear idea of what they'll have when the rental expires.

    promise what 2.0 will have. at that point, decide the features of 3.0, increment the updates over the next months or years, and deliver, and I think people will be happier.

    maybe even at this early stage, it might be a good idea to compile a list of promised features for 2.0, to get some more early adopters, as well

  • yeah, i only recently learned about Goldbach's conjecture, which states that:

    Every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes


    Every integer greater than 5 can be written as the sum of three primes.

    it really doesn't seem like it should be possible.

  • Try file again using the actual path. Not apppath

  • Why not put it further up on the event list then?

    If all else fails, you can make a pv called msgboxgettingclicked

    On msgbox clicked

    Set it to 1

    On mouse button released set it to 0

    Add a condition to the menu button to make sure it is 0

  • oh thanks guys, just came back here, my solution was much uglier:

    assuming your decimal number was x:


  • lerp(a,b,t) is a math function that lets you find a value between two other values

    • a is the first value
    • b is the second value
    • t is a number between 0 and 1 that decides how far between a and b you want the value to be
    • 0 is all the way at a
    • 1 is all the way at b
    • 0.5 is halfway between

    to better understand it

    try this exe:

    experiment with different values for a,b,t until you have a firm grasp of how it works

    simply type in values for a and b, and drag the red slider to set values for t

    try me!

    watch the equation change, and watch the bar at the bottom

    lerp can be used for everything from health bars, to color fades, smooth angle changes, to smoothly fading sound effect volume. you can also use it in a loop to set up a bunch of sprites in a neat line. there are endless uses. once you understand what it does, you'll find it comes up often as a useful tool when designing games

    if you have any questions about how to do any of the above mentioned, or if lerp simply still doesn't make sense. please ask away

    once you have a firm grasp on this, you can easily learn cosp, qerp, and cubic, which are even more awesome

    update: here's another tutorial with qarp and cubic=

    lerp/qarp/cubic tutorial

    math is power

  • numbers smaller than 0.1 format very ugly

    is there a way to format something so it just shows up how you'd expect it to?



    I just want it to say


    but instead it formats to


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  • yeah,

    insert new event/condition


    ---------sprite-set angle

    would be a good way to test it


    do the ghost shooter tutorial

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